
202 lines
4.7 KiB

package main
import (
"runtime/pprof" // For performance profiling (unnecessary)
_ "image/jpeg"
rl "github.com/gen2brain/raylib-go/raylib"
const (
Width = 640
Height = 480
NearClip = 0.1
FarClip = 100
FOV = 90.0
ZOffset = -1.5
Movement = 1.0
Fps = 60
ObjectFile = "../head.obj"
TextureFile = "../head.jpg"
func must(err error) {
if err != nil {
func loadDefault() (*hrend.ObjModel, hrend.Framebuffer) {
log.Printf("Loading obj %s, texture %s", ObjectFile, TextureFile)
of, err := os.Open(ObjectFile)
defer of.Close()
o, err := hrend.ParseObj(of)
jf, err := os.Open(TextureFile)
defer jf.Close()
timg, _, err := image.Decode(jf)
texture := hrend.NewTexture(timg, 4)
return o, texture
// However flag works... idk
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to file")
// var dozbuf = flag.Bool("zbuffer", false, "Write zbuffer instead of image")
// var p6file = flag.String("p6file", "", "Output binary ppm to given file instead")
// var fov = flag.Float64("fov", 90, "Horizontal FOV in degrees")
// var xofs = flag.Float64("xofs", 0, "Offset image by x")
// var zofs = flag.Float64("zofs", -1.5, "Offset image by z (should be negative)")
// var repeat = flag.Int("repeat", 60, "Amount of times to repeat render")
func main() {
log.Printf("Program start")
if *cpuprofile != "" {
log.Printf("CPU profiling requested, write to %s", *cpuprofile)
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
defer f.Close()
err = pprof.StartCPUProfile(f)
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
rl.InitWindow(Width, Height, "Simple renderer with raylib")
defer rl.CloseWindow()
fb := NewRaylibBuffer(Width, Height)
defer rl.UnloadTexture(fb.Texture)
defer rl.UnloadImageColors(fb.Data)
defer rl.UnloadImage(fb.Image)
rb := hrend.NewRenderbuffer(fb, Width, Height)
o, texture := loadDefault()
light := hrend.Vec3f{
X: 0,
Y: 0,
Z: -1,
var thing hrend.Vec2i
var projection, worldToCamera, viewport hrend.Mat44f
// These don't really change
projection.SetProjection(float32(FOV), float32(Width)/float32(Height), NearClip, FarClip)
viewport.SetViewportSimple(int(fb.Width), int(fb.Height), 1) //65535)
log.Printf("Starting raylib loop")
frameSum := 0.0
frameCount := 0
frameAverage := 0.0
xofs := float32(0.0)
yofs := float32(0.0)
zofs := float32(ZOffset)
for !rl.WindowShouldClose() {
start := time.Now()
if rl.IsKeyDown(rl.KeyD) {
xofs += Movement / Fps
if rl.IsKeyDown(rl.KeyA) {
xofs -= Movement / Fps
if rl.IsKeyDown(rl.KeyW) {
zofs += Movement / Fps
if rl.IsKeyDown(rl.KeyS) {
zofs -= Movement / Fps
if rl.IsKeyDown(rl.KeySpace) {
yofs -= Movement / Fps
if rl.IsKeyDown(rl.KeyLeftShift) {
yofs += Movement / Fps
// This might (thought not currently)
worldToCamera.SetTranslation(xofs, yofs, zofs)
screenmat := worldToCamera.Multiply(&projection)
screenmat = screenmat.Multiply(&viewport)
for i := 0; i < Width*Height; i++ {
fb.Data[i].R = 0
fb.Data[i].G = 0
fb.Data[i].B = 0
//rl.ImageDrawRectangle(fb.Image, 0, 0, Width, Height, rl.Black)
//rl.ImageClearBackground(fb.Image, rl.Black)
var sc [3]hrend.Vertex
for _, f := range o.Faces {
// Precompute perspective for vertices to save time. Notice Z
// is not considered: is this orthographic projection? Yeah probably...
var fpt [3]hrend.Vec3f
maxz := float32(-math.MaxFloat32)
for i := range 3 { // Triangles, bro
sc[i] = f[i]
sc[i].Pos = screenmat.MultiplyPoint3(f[i].Pos)
fpt[i] = worldToCamera.MultiplyPoint3(f[i].Pos)
maxz = max(maxz, sc[i].Pos.Z)
if maxz < 0 || maxz > 1 {
//log.Printf("Clipping %f %f %f", sc[0].Pos.Z, sc[1].Pos.Z, sc[2].Pos.Z)
l1 := fpt[2].Sub(fpt[0])
n := l1.CrossProduct(fpt[1].Sub(fpt[0]))
n = n.Normalize()
intensity := n.MultSimp(&light)
if intensity > 0 {
hrend.TriangleTextured(&rb, texture, intensity, sc[0], sc[1], sc[2])
//hrend.TriangleFlat(&rb, hrend.Col2Uint(byte(255*intensity), byte(255*intensity), byte(255*intensity)), sc[0].Pos, sc[1].Pos, sc[2].Pos)
rl.UpdateTexture(fb.Texture, fb.Data)
frameSum += time.Since(start).Seconds()
frameCount += 1
if frameCount&0x7 == 0 {
frameAverage = frameSum / float64(frameCount)
frameSum = 0
frameCount = 0
rl.DrawTexture(fb.Texture, 0, 0, rl.White)
rl.DrawText(fmt.Sprintf("Frame: %fms", frameAverage*1000), 5, 5, 20, rl.Red)