Stupid sky

This commit is contained in:
Carlos Sanchez 2024-08-02 18:59:18 -04:00
parent bbc73c4a68
commit ada9527869
2 changed files with 147 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -16,6 +16,117 @@ func Checkerboard(cols []color.Color, size int) image.Image {
return result
// Returns a sizexsize*3 texture where the top is the top color,
// bottom is bottom color, middle is gradient
func Gradient(bottom color.Color, top color.Color, size int) image.Image {
result := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, size, size*3))
br, bg, bb, ba := bottom.RGBA()
tr, tg, tb, ta := top.RGBA()
for y := range size {
for x := range size {
lerp := float32(y) / float32(size-1)
result.Set(x, y, top)
result.Set(x, y+size, color.RGBA{
R: byte(float32(tr>>8)*(1-lerp) + float32(br>>8)*lerp),
G: byte(float32(tg>>8)*(1-lerp) + float32(bg>>8)*lerp),
B: byte(float32(tb>>8)*(1-lerp) + float32(bb>>8)*lerp),
A: byte(float32(ta>>8)*(1-lerp) + float32(ba>>8)*lerp),
result.Set(x, y+size*2, bottom)
return result
// Returns a 1px wide gradient where top is top color, bottom is bottom color
func Gradient1px(bottom color.Color, top color.Color, size int) image.Image {
result := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 1, size))
br, bg, bb, ba := bottom.RGBA()
tr, tg, tb, ta := top.RGBA()
for y := range size {
lerp := float32(y) / float32(size-1)
result.Set(0, y, color.RGBA{
R: byte(float32(tr>>8)*(1-lerp) + float32(br>>8)*lerp),
G: byte(float32(tg>>8)*(1-lerp) + float32(bg>>8)*lerp),
B: byte(float32(tb>>8)*(1-lerp) + float32(bb>>8)*lerp),
A: byte(float32(ta>>8)*(1-lerp) + float32(ba>>8)*lerp),
return result
// Skybox for now assumes a 1px gradient
func Skybox() *hrend.ObjModel {
v := make([]hrend.Vec3f, 8)
vt := make([]hrend.Vec3f, 2)
f := make([]hrend.Facef, 12)
// Assuming 1px gradient, these are the only two texture points you need
vt[0] = hrend.Vec3f{X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0}
vt[1] = hrend.Vec3f{X: 0, Y: 1, Z: 0}
vvt := []hrend.Vec3f{
vt[0], vt[0], vt[0], vt[0], vt[1], vt[1], vt[1], vt[1],
// Cube faces are weird, I guess just manually do them? ugh
// First 4 are the bottom vertices. We can make two faces out of these
v[0] = hrend.Vec3f{X: float32(-1), Y: float32(-1), Z: float32(-1)}
v[1] = hrend.Vec3f{X: float32(1), Y: float32(-1), Z: float32(-1)}
v[2] = hrend.Vec3f{X: float32(1), Y: float32(-1), Z: float32(1)}
v[3] = hrend.Vec3f{X: float32(-1), Y: float32(-1), Z: float32(1)}
// Now the top 4 vertices, same order as bottom
v[4] = hrend.Vec3f{X: float32(-1), Y: float32(1), Z: float32(-1)}
v[5] = hrend.Vec3f{X: float32(1), Y: float32(1), Z: float32(-1)}
v[6] = hrend.Vec3f{X: float32(1), Y: float32(1), Z: float32(1)}
v[7] = hrend.Vec3f{X: float32(-1), Y: float32(1), Z: float32(1)}
// These are our 12 faces
fv := [][3]int{
{0, 1, 2}, // bottom
{2, 3, 0},
{4, 5, 6}, // top
{6, 7, 4},
{0, 1, 5}, // south
{5, 4, 0},
{1, 2, 6}, // east
{6, 5, 1},
{2, 3, 7}, // North
{7, 6, 2},
{3, 0, 4}, // west
{4, 7, 3},
for i, face := range fv {
for j := range 3 {
f[i][j] = hrend.Vertex{Pos: v[face[j]], Tex: vvt[face[j]]}
// Now the bottom 2 faces
// f[0] = hrend.Facef{
// hrend.Vertex{Pos: v[0], Tex: vt[0]},
// hrend.Vertex{Pos: v[1], Tex: vt[0]},
// hrend.Vertex{Pos: v[2], Tex: vt[0]},
// }
// f[1] = hrend.Facef{
// hrend.Vertex{Pos: v[2], Tex: vt[0]},
// hrend.Vertex{Pos: v[3], Tex: vt[0]},
// hrend.Vertex{Pos: v[0], Tex: vt[0]},
// }
// // Top 2 faces
// f[3] = hrend.Facef{
// hrend.Vertex{Pos: v[4], Tex: vt[1]},
// hrend.Vertex{Pos: v[5], Tex: vt[1]},
// hrend.Vertex{Pos: v[6], Tex: vt[1]},
// }
// f[4] = hrend.Facef{
// hrend.Vertex{Pos: v[6], Tex: vt[1]},
// hrend.Vertex{Pos: v[7], Tex: vt[1]},
// hrend.Vertex{Pos: v[4], Tex: vt[1]},
// }
// Ugh and now the sides... so complicated
return &hrend.ObjModel{
Vertices: v,
VTexture: vt,
Faces: f,
func FlatTerrain(size int) *hrend.ObjModel {
result := hrend.ObjModel{
Vertices: make([]hrend.Vec3f, 0),

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@ -35,20 +35,22 @@ func must(err error) {
type ObjectDef struct {
Model *hrend.ObjModel
Texture hrend.Framebuffer // This needs to go somewhere else eventually!
Pos hrend.Vec3f
LookVec hrend.Vec3f
Scale float32
Model *hrend.ObjModel
Texture hrend.Framebuffer // This needs to go somewhere else eventually!
Pos hrend.Vec3f
LookVec hrend.Vec3f
Scale float32
Lighting bool
//Transform hrend.Mat44f
func NewObjectDef(model *hrend.ObjModel, texture hrend.Framebuffer) *ObjectDef {
result := ObjectDef{
Model: model,
Texture: texture,
LookVec: hrend.Vec3f{X: 0, Y: 0, Z: -1},
Scale: 1,
Model: model,
Texture: texture,
LookVec: hrend.Vec3f{X: 0, Y: 0, Z: -1},
Scale: 1,
Lighting: true,
return &result
@ -201,6 +203,11 @@ func main() {
wtex := hrend.NewTexture(wtexraw, 1)
world := FlatTerrain(10)
// Generate skybox
skyraw := Gradient1px(color.RGBA{R: 100, G: 100, B: 255, A: 255}, color.RGBA{R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255}, 32)
skytex := hrend.NewTexture(skyraw, 1)
sky := Skybox()
// Some static models we could put in the scene
modnames := []string{"head", "diablo"}
models := make([]*hrend.ObjModel, len(modnames))
@ -212,9 +219,13 @@ func main() {
// And the actual objects for the scene. We also put the world in there
objects := make([]*ObjectDef, 0)
objects = append(objects, NewObjectDef(world, wtex))
objects = append(objects, NewObjectDef(sky, skytex)) // the actual skybox
skyobj := objects[len(objects)-1]
skyobj.Scale = 50
skyobj.Lighting = false
objects = append(objects, NewObjectDef(models[1], textures[1]))
objects[1].Pos.Y += 1
objects[1].Pos.Z -= 2
objects[len(objects)-1].Pos.Y += 1
objects[len(objects)-1].Pos.Z -= 2
// These don't really change
var projection, viewport hrend.Mat44f
@ -252,9 +263,11 @@ func main() {
var sc [3]hrend.Vertex
var modelmat hrend.Mat44f
var intensity float32
for _, o := range objects {
// Create the final matrix
modelmat.SetLookAt(&o.Pos, o.Pos.Add(&o.LookVec), &camup)
matrix3d := modelmat.Multiply(screenmat)
for _, f := range o.Model.Faces {
@ -262,15 +275,19 @@ func main() {
sc[i] = f[i]
sc[i].Pos = matrix3d.MultiplyPoint3(f[i].Pos)
l1 := f[2].Pos.Sub(&f[0].Pos)
n := l1.CrossProduct(f[1].Pos.Sub(&f[0].Pos))
n = n.Normalize()
// light = lookvec
intensity := n.MultSimp(&light)
if intensity < 0 {
intensity = 0
if o.Lighting {
l1 := f[2].Pos.Sub(&f[0].Pos)
n := l1.CrossProduct(f[1].Pos.Sub(&f[0].Pos))
n = n.Normalize()
// light = lookvec // use this for weird things
intensity = n.MultSimp(&light)
if intensity < 0 {
intensity = 0
intensity = (intensity + float32(*minlight)) / (1 + float32(*minlight))
} else {
intensity = 1.0
intensity = (intensity + float32(*minlight)) / (1 + float32(*minlight))
hrend.TriangleTextured(&rb, o.Texture, intensity, sc[0], sc[1], sc[2])
//hrend.TriangleFlat(&rb, hrend.Col2Uint(byte(255*intensity), byte(255*intensity), byte(255*intensity)), sc[0].Pos, sc[1].Pos, sc[2].Pos)