Working re-implemented semi-movement

This commit is contained in:
Carlos Sanchez 2024-07-28 22:28:35 -04:00
parent 793dc2a50d
commit 1345fb8fb2
5 changed files with 125 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

tinyrender4/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "You must pass the basename for the animation folder"
exit 1
echo "Building"
go build -o render
mkdir -p $1
echo "Running"
for x in $(seq -3 0.1 3); do
ff=$(printf "%03d" $frame)
./render "-repeat=1" "-xofs=$x" "-zofs=-1.8" "-fov=70" "-p6file=$1/$ff.ppm"
frame=$((frame + 1))
echo "Converting animation"
cd $1
convert -delay 5 -loop 0 *.ppm -resize 256x256 anim.gif

View File

@ -16,9 +16,10 @@ import (
const (
Width = 512
Height = 512
NearClip = 0.1
FarClip = 5 // Because the head is so small and close
ObjectFile = "head.obj"
TextureFile = "head.jpg"
Repeat = 500
func must(err error) {
@ -31,6 +32,10 @@ func must(err error) {
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to file")
var dozbuf = flag.Bool("zbuffer", false, "Write zbuffer instead of image")
var p6file = flag.String("p6file", "", "Output binary ppm to given file instead")
var fov = flag.Float64("fov", 90, "Horizontal FOV in degrees")
var xofs = flag.Float64("xofs", 0, "Offset image by x")
var zofs = flag.Float64("zofs", -1.5, "Offset image by z (should be negative)")
var repeat = flag.Int("repeat", 60, "Amount of times to repeat render")
// var zcuthigh = flag.Float64("zcuthigh", math.MaxFloat32, "High cutoff for z (values above this will be removed)")
// var zcutlow = flag.Float64("zcutlow", -math.MaxFloat32, "Low cutoff for z (values below are removed)")
@ -71,22 +76,33 @@ func main() {
light := Vec3f{0, 0, -1}
var projection Mat44f
var worldToCamera Mat44f
projection.SetProjection(float32(*fov), NearClip, FarClip)
worldToCamera.SetTranslation(float32(*xofs), 0, float32(*zofs))
// Premultiply all the translation/etc matrices. Why do we do world to camera THEN
// projection? I guess that makes sense actually, oops... projection is the last step.
screenmat := worldToCamera.Multiply(&projection)
halfwidth := float32(fb.Width / 2)
halfheight := float32(fb.Height / 2)
var sc [3]Vertex
var hi = float32(fb.Height - 1)
for range Repeat {
for range *repeat {
for _, f := range o.Faces {
// Precompute perspective for vertices to save time. Notice Z
// is not considered: is this orthographic projection? Yeah probably...
for i := range 3 { // Triangles, bro
fp := screenmat.MultiplyPoint3(f[i].Pos)
sc[i] = f[i]
sc[i].Pos.X = (f[i].Pos.X + 1) * halfwidth
sc[i].Pos.Y = hi - (f[i].Pos.Y+1)*halfheight
sc[i].Pos.X = (fp.X + 1) * halfwidth
sc[i].Pos.Y = hi - (fp.Y+1)*halfheight
sc[i].Pos.Z = fp.Z
sc[i].Pos.Z = -f[i].Pos.Z // Pull Z value directly. This is fine, our z-buffer is currently float32
// sc[i].Pos.Z = -fp.Z // Pull Z value directly. This is fine, our z-buffer is currently float32
l1 := f[2].Pos.Sub(f[0].Pos)

View File

@ -22,6 +22,82 @@ type Vec2f struct {
X, Y float32
// A ROW MAJOR matrix
type Mat44f [16]float32
func (m *Mat44f) Set(x int, y int, val float32) {
m[x+y*4] = val
func (m *Mat44f) Get(x int, y int) float32 {
return m[x+y*4]
func (m *Mat44f) ZeroFill() {
for i := range m {
m[i] = 0
func (m *Mat44f) SetIdentity() {
for i := range 4 {
m.Set(i, i, 1)
// Compute the projection matrix, filling the given matrix. FOV is in degrees
func (m *Mat44f) SetProjection(fov float32, near float32, far float32) {
// Projection matrix is (ROW MAJOR!)
// S 0 0 0
// 0 S 0 0
// 0 0 -f/(f-n) -1
// 0 0 -fn/(f-n) 0
// where S (scale) is 1 / tan(fov / 2) (assuming fov is radians)
scale := float32(1 / math.Tan(float64(fov)*0.5*math.Pi/180))
m.Set(0, 0, scale)
m.Set(1, 1, scale)
m.Set(2, 2, -far/(far-near))
m.Set(3, 2, -1)
m.Set(2, 3, -far*near/(far-near))
func (m *Mat44f) SetTranslation(x, y, z float32) {
m.Set(0, 3, x) // Let user decide how to offset x
m.Set(1, 3, y) // Let user decide how to offset x
m.Set(2, 3, z) // Get farther away from the face (user)
// Multiply the given point by our vector. Remember this is row-major order
func (m *Mat44f) MultiplyPoint3(p Vec3f) Vec3f {
var out Vec3f
// We hope very much that Go will optimize the function calls for us,
// along with computing the constants.
out.X = p.X*m.Get(0, 0) + p.Y*m.Get(0, 1) + p.Z*m.Get(0, 2) + m.Get(0, 3)
out.Y = p.X*m.Get(1, 0) + p.Y*m.Get(1, 1) + p.Z*m.Get(1, 2) + m.Get(1, 3)
out.Z = p.X*m.Get(2, 0) + p.Y*m.Get(2, 1) + p.Z*m.Get(2, 2) + m.Get(2, 3)
w := p.X*m.Get(3, 0) + p.Y*m.Get(3, 1) + p.Z*m.Get(3, 2) + m.Get(3, 3)
if w != 1 {
out.X /= w
out.Y /= w
out.Z /= w
return out
// Multiply two 4x4 matrices together (not optimized)
func (m *Mat44f) Multiply(m2 *Mat44f) Mat44f {
var result Mat44f
// This is the x and y of our resulting matrix
for y := 0; y < 4; y++ {
for x := 0; x < 4; x++ {
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
result[x+y*4] += m[i+y*4] * m2[x+i*4]
return result
// A single vertex generally has multiple items associated with it
// when it's part of a face.
type Vertex struct {

View File

@ -275,6 +275,9 @@ func Triangle3t(fb *Framebuffer, texture *Framebuffer, intensity float32, v0v Ve
v1 := v1v.Pos.ToVec2i()
v2 := v2v.Pos.ToVec2i()
boundsTL, boundsBR := ComputeBoundingBox(v0, v1, v2)
if boundsBR.Y < 0 || boundsBR.X < 0 || boundsTL.X >= int(fb.Width) || boundsTL.Y >= int(fb.Height) {
if boundsTL.Y < 0 {
boundsTL.Y = 0