Use rewritten shaders_compute_shader based on gol raylib example.

This commit is contained in:
TSnake41 2021-11-04 21:43:06 +01:00
parent e846857ced
commit e426d561d3
5 changed files with 227 additions and 134 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#version 430
// Game of Life logic shader
#define GOL_WIDTH 768
layout (local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 16, local_size_z = 1) in;
layout(std430, binding = 1) readonly restrict buffer golLayout {
uint golBuffer[]; // golBuffer[x, y] = golBuffer[x + gl_NumWorkGroups.x * y]
layout(std430, binding = 2) writeonly restrict buffer golLayout2 {
uint golBufferDest[]; // golBufferDest[x, y] = golBufferDest[x + gl_NumWorkGroups.x * y]
#define fetchGol(x, y) ((((x) < 0) || ((y) < 0) || ((x) > GOL_WIDTH) || ((y) > GOL_WIDTH)) \
? (0) \
: golBuffer[(x) + GOL_WIDTH * (y)])
#define setGol(x, y, value) golBufferDest[(x) + GOL_WIDTH*(y)] = value
void main()
uint neighbourCount = 0;
uint x = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
uint y = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y;
neighbourCount += fetchGol(x - 1, y - 1); // Top left
neighbourCount += fetchGol(x, y - 1); // Top middle
neighbourCount += fetchGol(x + 1, y - 1); // Top right
neighbourCount += fetchGol(x - 1, y); // Left
neighbourCount += fetchGol(x + 1, y); // Right
neighbourCount += fetchGol(x - 1, y + 1); // Bottom left
neighbourCount += fetchGol(x, y + 1); // Bottom middle
neighbourCount += fetchGol(x + 1, y + 1); // Bottom right
if (neighbourCount == 3) setGol(x, y, 1);
else if (neighbourCount == 2) setGol(x, y, fetchGol(x, y));
else setGol(x, y, 0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#version 430
// Game of Life rendering shader
// Just renders the content of the ssbo at binding 1 to screen
#define GOL_WIDTH 768
// Input vertex attributes (from vertex shader)
in vec2 fragTexCoord;
// Output fragment color
out vec4 finalColor;
// Input game of life grid.
layout(std430, binding = 1) readonly buffer golLayout
uint golBuffer[];
// Output resolution
uniform vec2 resolution;
void main()
ivec2 coords = ivec2(fragTexCoord*resolution);
if ((golBuffer[coords.x + coords.y*uvec2(resolution).x]) == 1) finalColor = vec4(1.0);
else finalColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
#version 430
// Game of life transfert shader
#define GOL_WIDTH 768
// Game Of Life Update Command
// NOTE: matches the structure defined on main program
struct GolUpdateCmd {
uint x; // x coordinate of the gol command
uint y; // y coordinate of the gol command
uint w; // width of the filled zone
uint enabled; // whether to enable or disable zone
// Local compute unit size
layout (local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
// Output game of life grid buffer
layout(std430, binding = 1) buffer golBufferLayout
uint golBuffer[]; // golBuffer[x, y] = golBuffer[x + GOL_WIDTH * y]
// Command buffer
layout(std430, binding = 3) readonly restrict buffer golUpdateLayout
uint count;
GolUpdateCmd commands[];
#define isInside(x, y) (((x) >= 0) && ((y) >= 0) && ((x) < GOL_WIDTH) && ((y) < GOL_WIDTH))
#define getBufferIndex(x, y) ((x) + GOL_WIDTH * (y))
void main()
uint cmdIndex = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
GolUpdateCmd cmd = commands[cmdIndex];
for (uint x = cmd.x; x < (cmd.x + cmd.w); x++)
for (uint y = cmd.y; y < (cmd.y + cmd.w); y++)
if (isInside(x, y))
if (cmd.enabled != 0) atomicOr(golBuffer[getBufferIndex(x, y)], 1);
else atomicAnd(golBuffer[getBufferIndex(x, y)], 0);

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
#version 430
#define GOL_WIDTH 1024
layout (local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 16, local_size_x = 1) in;
layout(std430, binding = 1) readonly restrict buffer golLayout {
int golBuffer[]; // golBuffer[x, y] = golBuffer[x + gl_NumWorkGroups.x * y]
layout(std430, set = 1, binding = 2) writeonly restrict buffer golLayout2 {
int golBufferDest[]; // golBufferDest[x, y] = golBufferDest[x + gl_NumWorkGroups.x * y]
#define fetchGol(x, y) ((((x) < 0) || ((y) < 0) || ((x) > GOL_WIDTH) || ((y) > GOL_WIDTH)) \
? (0) \
: golBuffer[(x) + GOL_WIDTH * (y)])
#define setGol(x, y, value) golBufferDest[(x) + GOL_WIDTH * (y)] = value
void main()
uint neighbour_count = 0;
uint x = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
uint y = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y;
// Top left
neighbour_count += fetchGol(x - 1, y - 1);
// Top middle
neighbour_count += fetchGol(x, y - 1);
// Top right
neighbour_count += fetchGol(x + 1, y - 1);
// Left
neighbour_count += fetchGol(x - 1, y);
// Right
neighbour_count += fetchGol(x + 1, y);
// Bottom left
neighbour_count += fetchGol(x - 1, y + 1);
// Bottom middle
neighbour_count += fetchGol(x, y + 1);
// Bottom right
neighbour_count += fetchGol(x + 1, y + 1);
if (neighbour_count == 3)
setGol(x, y, 1);
else if (neighbour_count == 2)
setGol(x, y, fetchGol(x, y));
setGol(x, y, 0);

View File

@ -1,105 +1,134 @@
local ffi = require "ffi" local ffi = require "ffi"
local width, height = 1024, 1024
rl.InitWindow(width, height, "raylib-lua [core] example - compute shader")
local computeShaderCode
local f ="resources/gol.glsl", "rb")
assert(f, "Can't read resources/gol.glsl file")
computeShaderCode = f:read "*a"
local computeShader = rl.rlCompileShader(computeShaderCode, rl.RL_COMPUTE_SHADER) -- IMPORTANT: This must match gol*.glsl GOL_WIDTH constant.
local csProgram = rl.rlLoadComputeShaderProgram(computeShader) -- This must be a multiple of 16 (check golLogic compute dispatch).
print(csProgram) local GOL_WIDTH = 768
local ssbo_size = ffi.sizeof("int32_t[?]", width * height) -- Maximum amount of queued draw commands (squares draw from mouse down events).
local ssbo_baseBuffer ="int32_t[?]", width * height) local MAX_BUFFERED_TRANSFERTS = 48
for i=0,width * height - 1 do
ssbo_baseBuffer[i] = 0
local shader_framebuffer ="Color[?]", width * height) ffi.cdef [[
local ssbo_image = "Image" ---@type Image typedef struct GolUpdateCmd {
unsigned int x;
unsigned int y;
unsigned int w;
unsigned int enabled;
} GolUpdateCmd;
]] = shader_framebuffer ffi.cdef(string.format([[
ssbo_image.width = width typedef struct GolUpdateSSBO {
ssbo_image.height = height unsigned int count;
ssbo_image.format = rl.PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8 GolUpdateCmd commands[%d];
ssbo_image.mipmaps = 1 } GolUpdateSSBO;
local ssboA = rl.rlLoadShaderBuffer(ssbo_size, ssbo_baseBuffer, rl.RL_STREAM_COPY) rl.InitWindow(GOL_WIDTH, GOL_WIDTH, "raylib [rlgl] example - compute shader - game of life")
local ssboB = rl.rlLoadShaderBuffer(ssbo_size, ssbo_baseBuffer, rl.RL_STREAM_COPY)
-- Create a texture to apply shader local resolution ="Vector2", GOL_WIDTH, GOL_WIDTH)
local renderTexture = rl.LoadRenderTexture(width, height) local brushSize = 8
local renderShader = rl.LoadShaderFromMemory(nil, [[ -- Game of Life logic compute shader
#version 430 local golLogicCode = rl.LoadFileText("resources/glsl430/gol.glsl")
out vec4 finalColor; local golLogicShader = rl.rlCompileShader(golLogicCode, rl.RL_COMPUTE_SHADER);
in vec2 fragTexCoord; local golLogicProgram = rl.rlLoadComputeShaderProgram(golLogicShader);
layout(std430, binding = 1) readonly buffer golLayout { -- Game of Life rendering compute shader
int golBuffer[]; local golRenderShader = rl.LoadShader(nil, "resources/glsl430/gol_render.glsl")
}; local resUniformLoc = rl.GetShaderLocation(golRenderShader, "resolution")
uniform vec2 res; local golTransfertCode = rl.LoadFileText("resources/glsl430/gol_transfert.glsl");
local golTransfertShader = rl.rlCompileShader(golTransfertCode, rl.RL_COMPUTE_SHADER);
local golTransfertProgram = rl.rlLoadComputeShaderProgram(golTransfertShader);
void main() local ssboSize = ffi.sizeof("int[?]", GOL_WIDTH * GOL_WIDTH)
{ local ssboA = rl.rlLoadShaderBuffer(ssboSize, nil, rl.RL_DYNAMIC_COPY);
ivec2 coords = ivec2(fragTexCoord * res); local ssboB = rl.rlLoadShaderBuffer(ssboSize, nil, rl.RL_DYNAMIC_COPY);
if (golBuffer[coords.x + coords.y * uint(res.x)] == 1) local transfertBuffer ="struct GolUpdateSSBO")
finalColor = vec4(1.0); transfertBuffer.count = 0
finalColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
local resolution ="float[2]", width, height) local transfertBufferSize = ffi.sizeof "struct GolUpdateSSBO"
local res_uniform = rl.GetShaderLocation(renderShader, "res")
local transfertSSBO = rl.rlLoadShaderBuffer(transfertBufferSize, nil, rl.RL_DYNAMIC_COPY);
-- Create a white texture of the size of the window to update
-- each pixel of the window using the fragment shader
local whiteImage = rl.GenImageColor(GOL_WIDTH, GOL_WIDTH, rl.WHITE);
local whiteTex = rl.LoadTextureFromImage(whiteImage);
while not rl.WindowShouldClose() do while not rl.WindowShouldClose() do
if rl.IsMouseButtonDown(rl.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) then brushSize = math.floor(brushSize + rl.GetMouseWheelMove())
rl.rlReadShaderBufferElements(ssboB, ssbo_baseBuffer, ssbo_size, 0)
-- Correct colors if ((rl.IsMouseButtonDown(rl.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) or rl.IsMouseButtonDown(rl.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT))
for i=0,(width * height)-1 do and (transfertBuffer.count < MAX_BUFFERED_TRANSFERTS)) then
local toggled = ssbo_baseBuffer[i] -- Buffer a new command
transfertBuffer.commands[transfertBuffer.count].x = rl.GetMouseX() - brushSize/2
transfertBuffer.commands[transfertBuffer.count].y = rl.GetMouseY() - brushSize/2
transfertBuffer.commands[transfertBuffer.count].w = brushSize
transfertBuffer.commands[transfertBuffer.count].enabled = rl.IsMouseButtonDown(rl.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)
transfertBuffer.count = transfertBuffer.count + 1
elseif transfertBuffer.count > 0 then
-- Process transfert buffer
shader_framebuffer[i].r = toggled * 255 -- Send SSBO buffer to GPU
shader_framebuffer[i].g = toggled * 255 rl.rlUpdateShaderBufferElements(transfertSSBO, transfertBuffer, transfertBufferSize, 0);
shader_framebuffer[i].b = toggled * 255
shader_framebuffer[i].a = toggled * 255 -- Process ssbo command
end rl.rlEnableShader(golTransfertProgram);
rl.rlBindShaderBuffer(ssboA, 1);
rl.rlBindShaderBuffer(transfertSSBO, 3);
rl.rlComputeShaderDispatch(transfertBuffer.count, 1, 1) -- each GPU unit will process a command
rl.ImageDrawRectangleV(ssbo_image, rl.GetMousePosition(),"Vector2", 25, 25), rl.WHITE) transfertBuffer.count = 0;
for x=0,ssbo_image.width-1 do
for y=0,ssbo_image.height-1 do
ssbo_baseBuffer[x + y * width] = (shader_framebuffer[x + y * width].r > 0)
rl.rlUpdateShaderBufferElements(ssboB, ssbo_baseBuffer, ssbo_size, 0)
else else
rl.rlEnableShader(csProgram) -- Process game of life logic
rl.rlBindShaderBuffer(ssboA, 1) rl.rlBindShaderBuffer(ssboA, 1)
rl.rlBindShaderBuffer(ssboB, 2) rl.rlBindShaderBuffer(ssboB, 2)
rl.rlComputeShaderDispatch(width / 16, height / 16, 1) rl.rlComputeShaderDispatch(GOL_WIDTH / 16, GOL_WIDTH / 16, 1)
rl.rlDisableShader() rl.rlDisableShader()
ssboA, ssboB = ssboB, ssboA
end end
rl.ClearBackground(rl.BLANK) rl.rlBindShaderBuffer(ssboA, 1)
rl.SetShaderValue(renderShader, res_uniform, resolution, rl.SHADER_UNIFORM_VEC2) rl.SetShaderValue(golRenderShader, resUniformLoc, resolution, rl.SHADER_UNIFORM_VEC2);
rl.DrawTexture(renderTexture.texture, 0, 0, rl.WHITE)
rl.DrawFPS(0, 0)
ssboA, ssboB = ssboB, ssboA rl.BeginDrawing()
rl.DrawTexture(whiteTex, 0, 0, rl.WHITE)
rl.GetMouseX() - brushSize/2,
rl.GetMouseY() - brushSize/2,
brushSize, brushSize,
rl.DrawText("Use Mouse wheel to increase/decrease brush size", 10, 10, 20, rl.WHITE);
rl.DrawFPS(rl.GetScreenWidth() - 100, 10);
end end
rl.CloseWindow() rl.rlUnloadShaderBuffer(ssboA);
-- Unload compute shader programs
rl.UnloadTexture(whiteTex) -- Unload white texture
rl.UnloadShader(golRenderShader) -- Unload rendering fragment shader
rl.CloseWindow() -- Close window and OpenGL context