import os import json import logging import getpass import textwrap import threading import re import toml import readchar import websocket import win_unicode_console from collections import OrderedDict from colorama import Fore, Back, Style, init as colorama_init import contentapi import myutils CONFIGFILE="config.toml" MAXTITLE=25 # The entire config object with all defaults config = { "api" : "", "default_loglevel" : "WARNING", "websocket_trace" : False, "default_room" : 0, # Zero means it will ask you for a room "expire_seconds" : 31536000, # 365 days in seconds, expiration for token "appear_in_global" : False, "tokenfile" : ".qcstoken" } # The command dictionary (only used to display help) commands = OrderedDict([ ("h", "Help, prints this menu!"), ("s", "Search, find and/or set a room to listen to (one at a time!)"), ("g", "Global userlist, print users using contentapi in general"), ("u", "Userlist, print users in the current room"), ("i", "Insert mode, allows you to send a message (pauses messages!)"), ("t", "Statistics, see info about runtime"), ("q", "Quit, no warning!") ]) def main(): print("Program start") win_unicode_console.enable() colorama_init() # colorama init load_or_create_global_config()"Config: " + json.dumps(config, indent = 2)) context = contentapi.ApiContext(config["api"], logging)"Testing connection to API at " + config["api"]) logging.debug(json.dumps(context.api_status(), indent = 2)) authenticate(config, context) # - Enter input loop, but check room number on "input" mode, don't let messages send in room 0 # - h to help # - s to search rooms, enter #1234 to connect directly, empty string to quit # - g to list global users # - u to list users in room # - i to input # - q to quit entirely # Let users debug the websocket if they want I guess if config["websocket_trace"]: websocket.enableTrace(True) ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(context.websocket_endpoint()) # Might as well reuse the websocket object for my websocket context data (oops, is that bad?) ws.context = context ws.user_info = context.user_me() ws.pause_output = False # Whether all output from the websocket should be paused (including status updates) ws.output_buffer = [] # Individual print statements buffered from output. ws.main_config = config ws.current_room = 0 ws.current_room_data = False ws.ignored = {} # Go out and get the default room if one was provided. if config["default_room"]: try: ws.current_room_data = context.get_by_id("content", config["default_room"]) ws.current_room = config["default_room"] printr(Fore.GREEN + "Found default room %s" % ws.current_room_data["name"]) except Exception as ex: printr(Fore.YELLOW + "Error searching for default room %d: %s" % (config["default_room"], ex)) # set the callback functions ws.on_open = ws_onopen ws.on_close = ws_onclose ws.on_message = ws_onmessage ws.run_forever() print("Program end") def ws_onclose(ws): print("Websocket closed! Program exit (FYI: you were in room %d)" % ws.current_room) exit() def ws_onopen(ws): def main_loop(): printr(Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + "\n-- Connected to live updates! --") if not ws.current_room: printr(Fore.YELLOW + "* You are not connected to any room! Press 'S' to search for a room! *") printstatus = True # The infinite input loop! Or something! while True: if printstatus: print_statusline(ws) printstatus = False # Assume we are not printing the status every time (it's kinda annoying) ws.pause_output = False # Allow arbitrary output again key = readchar.readkey() # # Oops, websocket is not connected but you asked for a command that requires websocket! # if not ws_context.connected and key in ["s", "g", "u", "i"]: # print("No websocket connection") # continue ws.pause_output = True # Disable output for the duration of input handling if key == "h": for key, value in commands.items(): print(" " + Style.BRIGHT + key + Style.NORMAL + " - " + value) elif key == "s": search(ws) printstatus = True elif key == "g": ws.send(ws.context.gen_ws_request("userlist", id = "userlist_global")) elif key == "u": if not ws.current_room: print("You're not in a room! Can't check userlist!") else: # Just send it out, we have to wait for the websocket handler to get the response ws.send(ws.context.gen_ws_request("userlist", id = "userlist_room_%d" % ws.current_room)) elif key == "i": if not ws.current_room: print("You're not in a room! Can't send messages!") else: print("not yet") printstatus = True elif key == "t": print(" -- Ignored WS Data (normal) --") for key,value in ws.ignored.items(): printr(Style.BRIGHT + ("%16s" % key) + (" : %d" % value)) elif key == "q": print("Quitting (may take a bit for the websocket to close)") ws.close() break # create a thread to run the blocking task thread = threading.Thread(target=main_loop) thread.start() # Message handler for our websocket; will handle live messages for the room you're listening to and # userlist updates request results, but not much else (for now) def ws_onmessage(ws, message): logging.debug("WSRCV: " + message) result = json.loads(message) # Someone asked for the userlist, check the id to figure out what to print and which list to see if result["type"] == "userlist": all_statuses = result["data"]["statuses"] if result["id"] == "userlist_global": usermessage = " -- Global userlist --" statuses = all_statuses["0"] if "0" in all_statuses else {} else: # This is a bad assumption, it should parse the room id out of the id instead (maybe?) usermessage = " -- Userlist for %s -- " % ws.current_room_data["name"] statuses = all_statuses[str(ws.current_room)] if str(ws.current_room) in all_statuses else {} print(usermessage) print_userlist(statuses, result["data"]["objects"]["user"]) # Track ignored data if result["type"] not in ws.ignored: ws.ignored[result["type"]] = 0 ws.ignored[result["type"]] += 1 # Print the plain userlist given a list of statuses (in a room or otherwise) and a list of user data # (usually provided by whatever gave you the statuses) def print_userlist(statuses, users): for key,value in statuses.items(): key = int(key) user = contentapi.get_user_or_default(users,key) # Weird parenthesis are because I was aligning printed data before printr(Style.BRIGHT + " " + ("%s" % (user["username"] + Style.DIM + " #%d" % key)) + Style.RESET_ALL + " - " + value) # Loads the config from file into the global config var. If the file # doesn't exist, the file is created from the defaults in config. # The function returns nothing def load_or_create_global_config(): global config # Check if the config file exists if os.path.isfile(CONFIGFILE): # Read and deserialize the config file with open(CONFIGFILE, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: temp_config = toml.load(f) myutils.merge_dictionary(temp_config, config) else: # Serialize and write the config dictionary to the config file logging.warn("No config found at " + CONFIGFILE + ", creating now") with open(CONFIGFILE, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: toml.dump(config, f) myutils.set_logging_level(config["default_loglevel"]) # Enter a search loop which will repeat until you quit. Output should be PAUSED here # (but someone else does it for us, we don't even know what 'pausing' is) def search(ws): while True: searchterm = input("Search text (#ROOMNUM = set room, # to quit): ") if searchterm == "#": return match = re.match(r'#(\d+)', searchterm) if match: roomid = int( try: ws.current_room_data = ws.context.get_by_id("content", roomid) ws.current_room = roomid print(Fore.GREEN + "Set room to %s" % ws.current_room_data["name"] + Style.RESET_ALL) return except Exception as ex: print(Fore.RED + "Couldn't find room with id %d" % roomid + Style.RESET_ALL) elif searchterm: # Go search for rooms and display them result = ws.context.basic_search(searchterm)["objects"]["content"] if len(result): for content in result: printr(Style.BRIGHT + "%7s" % ("#%d" % content["id"]) + Style.RESET_ALL + " - %s" % content["name"]) else: printr(Style.DIM + " -- No results -- ") # Either pull the token from a file, or get the login from the command # line if that doesn't work. WILL test your token against the real API # even if it's pulled from file! def authenticate(config, context: contentapi.ApiContext): message = "No token file found" if os.path.isfile(config["tokenfile"]): with open(config["tokenfile"], 'r') as f: token = logging.debug("Token from file: " + token) context.token = token if context.is_token_valid():"Logged in using token file " + config["tokenfile"]) return else: message = "Token file expired" message += ", Please enter login for " + config["api"] while True: print(message) username = input("Username: ") password = getpass.getpass("Password: ") try: token = context.login(username, password, config["expire_seconds"]) with open(config["tokenfile"], 'w') as f: f.write(token)"Token accepted, written to " + config["tokenfile"]) context.token = token return except Exception as ex: print("ERROR: %s" % ex) message = "Please try logging in again:" def print_statusline(ws): # if ws_context.connected: bg = Back.GREEN else: bg = Back.RED if ws.current_room: name = ws.current_room_data["name"] room = "'" + (name[:(MAXTITLE - 3)] + '...' if len(name) > MAXTITLE else name) + "'" else: room = Fore.RED + Style.DIM + "NONE" + Style.NORMAL + Fore.BLACK print(Back.GREEN + Fore.BLACK + "\n " + ws.user_info["username"] + " - " + room + " CTRL: h s g u i t q " + Style.RESET_ALL) # Print and then reset the style def printr(msg): print(msg + Style.RESET_ALL) # Because python reasons if __name__ == "__main__": main()