Replace complicated crap with simple blocking queue

This commit is contained in:
Carlos Sanchez 2023-05-01 20:13:35 -04:00
parent f2b97f5678
commit 5671ee8f55

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import getpass
import textwrap
import threading
import platform
import queue
import re
import toml
import readchar
@ -74,8 +75,16 @@ def main():
# Might as well reuse the websocket object for my websocket context data (oops, is that bad?)
ws.context = context
ws.user_info = context.user_me()
# Output from the websocket can only get truly printed to the screen when this lock is released.
# We grab the lock when the user is in some kind of "input" mode, which blocks the websocket printing
# thread from processing the queue (if it has anything anyway)
ws.output_lock = threading.Lock()
ws.output_buffer = [] # Individual print statements buffered from output.
# Output from the websocket is ALWAYS buffered, and we use a thread-safe queue to add and remove
# output safely. We buffer all messages to ensure the order is preserved; if we SOMETIMES queued and
# SOMETIMES did not, we would need to be very careful about whether the queue was empty, which requires
# additional locking and etc.
ws.output_buffer = queue.Queue()
ws.main_config = config
ws.current_room = 0
ws.current_room_data = False
@ -107,20 +116,17 @@ def ws_onopen(ws):
if not ws.current_room:
printr(Fore.YELLOW + "* You are not connected to any room! Press 'S' to search for a room! *")
printstatus = True
# The infinite input loop! Or something!
while True:
# Dump the buffer, if there is any, since we're outside of user input
with ws.output_lock:
for output in ws.output_buffer:
# # Dump the buffer, if there is any, since we're outside of user input
# with ws.output_lock:
# for output in ws.output_buffer:
# printr(output)
ws.output_buffer = []
if printstatus:
# ws.output_buffer = []
printstatus = False # Assume we are not printing the status every time (it's kinda annoying)
@ -175,14 +181,30 @@ def ws_onopen(ws):
elif key == " ":
printstatus = True
# At the end of the loop, but still in the printing lock, print the status line
if printstatus:
# Just a simple infinite loop which blocks on the queue until something is available
def ws_print_loop():
while True:
next_output = ws.output_buffer.get()
with ws.output_lock:
# Set the main room; we want to wait until the websocket is open because this also sets your
# status in the userlist
if ws.main_config["default_room"]:
set_current_room(ws, ws.main_config["default_room"])
# create a thread to run the blocking task
thread = threading.Thread(target=main_loop)
mainthread = threading.Thread(target=main_loop)
# create a thread to process websocket output
printthread = threading.Thread(target=ws_print_loop)
printthread.daemon = True
# Message handler for our websocket; will handle live messages for the room you're listening to and
@ -200,12 +222,12 @@ def ws_onmessage(ws, message):
else: # This is a bad assumption, it should parse the room id out of the id instead (maybe?)
usermessage = " -- Userlist for %s -- " % ws.current_room_data["name"]
statuses = all_statuses[str(ws.current_room)] if str(ws.current_room) in all_statuses else {}
ws_print(ws, usermessage)
userlist_output = usermessage
for key,value in statuses.items():
key = int(key)
user = contentapi.get_user_or_default(result["data"]["objects"]["user"], key)
# Weird parenthesis are because I was aligning printed data before
ws_print(ws, Style.BRIGHT + " " + ("%s" % (user["username"] + Style.DIM + " #%d" % key)) + Style.RESET_ALL + " - " + value)
userlist_output += "\n" + Style.BRIGHT + " " + ("%s" % (user["username"] + Style.DIM + " #%d" % key)) + Style.RESET_ALL + " - " + value
ws_print(ws, userlist_output)
# Live updates are messages, edits, user updates, etc. Check the event list to see
elif result["type"] == "live":
@ -224,6 +246,7 @@ def ws_onmessage(ws, message):
ws.ignored[result["type"]] = 0
ws.ignored[result["type"]] += 1
# Produce the string output for a given message. Can be printed directly to console
def get_message_string(ws, message, user):
result = (MSGPREFIX + Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT + user["username"] + " " + Style.DIM + "#%d" % user["id"] +
@ -232,6 +255,7 @@ def get_message_string(ws, message, user):
result += (MSGPREFIX + t + "\n")
return result.rstrip("\n")
# Produce a large string of output for all history in the current room. Can be printed directly to console
def get_message_history_string(ws):
if ws.current_room:
@ -244,18 +268,13 @@ def get_message_history_string(ws):
return message_block.rstrip("\n")
return None
# Printing websocket event output is tricky because we don't want to interrupt user input (we don't have
# curses). As such, we must buffer our output IF we are asked to pause
def ws_print(ws, output):
# We can't block output for too long, so we need to only try to acquire the lock for a very short time
if ws.output_lock.acquire(timeout=ws.main_config["output_buffer_timeout"]):
logging.debug("Buffering output")
# Queueing is supposed to be threadsafe, so just slap a new one in there. This will wake up
# the printing thread automatically
# Loads the config from file into the global config var. If the file