#include "haloo3d/haloo3d.h" #include "haloo3d/haloo3dex_console.h" #include "haloo3d/haloo3dex_easy.h" #include "haloo3d/haloo3dex_gen.h" // #include "haloo3d/haloo3dex_img.h" #include "haloo3d/haloo3dex_obj.h" #include "haloo3d/haloo3dex_print.h" #include "unigi/unigi.headers/src/main.h" #include "unigi/unigi.platform.sdl1/src/main.c" #include "ecs.h" #include "ecs_comps.h" #include "keys.h" #include // INteresting flags for performance comparisons #define FASTFILL #define WIDTH 320 #define HEIGHT 200 #define ASPECT ((float)WIDTH / HEIGHT) #define SCREENSCALE 3 #define SWIDTH (WIDTH * SCREENSCALE) #define SHEIGHT (HEIGHT * SCREENSCALE) #define NEARCLIP 0.01 #define FARCLIP 100.0 #define LIGHTANG -MPI / 4.0 #define AVGWEIGHT 0.85 // Game options #define MAZESIZE 15 #define HSCALE 2.0 // Maze grows in the positive direction #define MAZENORTH 1 #define MAZEEAST 2 #define MAZEVISIT 4 // When you rightshift these values, you "turn right" #define DIRNORTH 8 #define DIREAST 4 #define DIRSOUTH 2 #define DIRWEST 1 #define STACKPUSH(s, t, v) s[t++] = v; // everything in the maze is controlled by the CPU. As such, movement // is as simple as "go here by this time". No need to complicate the // components? struct vec2i dirtovec(uint8_t dir) { struct vec2i result; switch (dir) { case DIREAST: vec2i(result.v, 1, 0); break; case DIRWEST: vec2i(result.v, -1, 0); break; case DIRNORTH: vec2i(result.v, 0, 1); break; case DIRSOUTH: vec2i(result.v, 0, -1); break; default: vec2i(result.v, 0, 0); } return result; } // A general position within the maze, and a pointer to the maze itself. // Can be used to traverse the maze typedef struct { uint8_t *maze; struct vec2i pos; // tile position within maze int size; uint8_t dir; // facing dir (see DIREAST/DIRSOUTH/etc); } ecs_maze; int maze_visited(uint8_t *maze, int x, int y, int size) { return (maze[x + y * size] & MAZEVISIT) > 0; } int maze_connected(uint8_t *maze, int x, int y, int size, uint8_t move) { if (move == DIREAST) { return (maze[x + y * size] & MAZEEAST) == 0; } else if (move == DIRWEST) { return (x > 0) && ((maze[x - 1 + y * size] & MAZEEAST) == 0); } else if (move == DIRNORTH) { return (maze[x + y * size] & MAZENORTH) == 0; } else if (move == DIRSOUTH) { return (y > 0) && ((maze[x + (y - 1) * size] & MAZENORTH) == 0); } return 0; } // Generate a (square) maze. Utilize one bit of the maze (#2) to // indicate whether it is visited void maze_generate(uint8_t *maze, int size) { const int mazesquare = (size) * (size); for (int i = 0; i < mazesquare; i++) { maze[i] = MAZENORTH | MAZEEAST; } int *mazestack; mallocordie(mazestack, sizeof(int) * mazesquare); for (int i = 0; i < size * size; i++) { mazestack[i] = -1; } // Push current cell onto stack, mark as visited int x = size / 2; int y = size / 2; int mazetop = 0; STACKPUSH(mazestack, mazetop, x + y * size); maze[x + y * size] |= MAZEVISIT; // struct vec2i visitable[4]; uint8_t visitable[4]; int visittop = 0; // Now let's make a maze! while (mazetop) { mazetop--; visittop = 0; x = mazestack[mazetop] % size; y = mazestack[mazetop] / size; if (x > 0 && !maze_visited(maze, x - 1, y, size)) { visitable[visittop++] = DIRWEST; } if (x < size - 1 && !maze_visited(maze, x + 1, y, size)) { visitable[visittop++] = DIREAST; } if (y > 0 && !maze_visited(maze, x, y - 1, size)) { visitable[visittop++] = DIRSOUTH; } if (y < size - 1 && !maze_visited(maze, x, y + 1, size)) { visitable[visittop++] = DIRNORTH; } // You can generate a random location! if (visittop) { // Readd ourselves, we're moving STACKPUSH(mazestack, mazetop, x + y * size); uint8_t dir = visitable[rand() % visittop]; struct vec2i movedir = dirtovec(dir); int nx = x + movedir.x; int ny = y + movedir.y; // Trust that the visitable array is always valid if (dir == DIREAST) { // Tear down east wall maze[x + y * size] &= ~MAZEEAST; } else if (dir == DIRWEST) { // Move left and tear down east wall maze[(x - 1) + y * size] &= ~MAZEEAST; } else if (dir == DIRNORTH) { // tear down north wall maze[x + y * size] &= ~MAZENORTH; } else if (dir == DIRSOUTH) { // move down and tear down north wall maze[x + (y - 1) * size] &= ~MAZENORTH; } // Push onto stack and set visited STACKPUSH(mazestack, mazetop, nx + ny * size); maze[nx + ny * size] |= MAZEVISIT; } } free(mazestack); } void maze_wall_generate(uint8_t *maze, int size, haloo3d_obj *obj) { // Simple: for each cell, we check if north or east is a wall. If so, // generate it. Also, generate walls for the north and west global wall for (int y = 0; y < size; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) { if (!maze_connected(maze, x, y, size, DIREAST)) { haloo3d_gen_grid_quad(obj, x, y, dirtovec(DIREAST)); } if (!maze_connected(maze, x, y, size, DIRNORTH)) { haloo3d_gen_grid_quad(obj, x, y, dirtovec(DIRNORTH)); } } } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { haloo3d_gen_grid_quad(obj, i, 0, dirtovec(DIRSOUTH)); haloo3d_gen_grid_quad(obj, 0, i, dirtovec(DIRWEST)); } } int main() { // int argc, char **argv) { // Store all the values users can change at the beginning float ditherstart = -1; float ditherend = 8; float fov = 90.0; float minlight = 0.25; int fps = 30; uint16_t sky = 0xF000; haloo3d_easystore storage; haloo3d_easystore_init(&storage); haloo3d_debugconsole dc; haloo3d_debugconsole_init(&dc); haloo3d_fb screen; haloo3d_fb_init(&screen, SWIDTH, SHEIGHT); haloo3d_easyrender render; haloo3d_easyrender_init(&render, WIDTH, HEIGHT); render.camera.pos.y = 0.5; eprintf("Initialized renderer\n"); haloo3d_debugconsole_set(&dc, "render/fps.i", &fps); haloo3d_debugconsole_set(&dc, "render/fov.f", &fov); haloo3d_debugconsole_set(&dc, "render/trifunc.f", &render.trifunc); haloo3d_debugconsole_set(&dc, "render/ditherstart.f", &ditherstart); haloo3d_debugconsole_set(&dc, "render/ditherend.f", &ditherend); haloo3d_debugconsole_set(&dc, "render/sky.u16x", &sky); haloo3d_debugconsole_set(&dc, "render/fasttris.i", &sky); haloo3d_debugconsole_set(&dc, "camera/pos_y.f", &render.camera.pos.y); haloo3d_debugconsole_set(&dc, "camera/pitch.f", &render.camera.pitch); render.tprint.fb = &screen; haloo3d_easytimer frametimer, sdltimer, filltimer; haloo3d_easytimer_init(&frametimer, AVGWEIGHT); haloo3d_easytimer_init(&sdltimer, AVGWEIGHT); haloo3d_easytimer_init(&filltimer, AVGWEIGHT); // Load the junk + generate stuff haloo3d_obj *flooro = haloo3d_easystore_addobj(&storage, "floor"); haloo3d_obj *ceilo = haloo3d_easystore_addobj(&storage, "ceiling"); haloo3d_obj *wallo = haloo3d_easystore_addobj(&storage, "walls"); haloo3d_fb *floort = haloo3d_easystore_addtex(&storage, "floor"); haloo3d_fb *ceilt = haloo3d_easystore_addtex(&storage, "ceiling"); haloo3d_fb *wallt = haloo3d_easystore_addtex(&storage, "walls"); haloo3d_gen_plane(flooro, MAZESIZE); haloo3d_gen_plane(ceilo, MAZESIZE); haloo3d_gen_grid(wallo, MAZESIZE, 0); // no generic maze generator, we just do it raw. Each cell has a byte which // indicates if the wall to the NORTH (#0 bit) and the wall to the WEST (#1 // bit) are solid. Because of this, we need one additional row and column uint8_t maze[MAZESIZE * MAZESIZE]; maze_generate(maze, MAZESIZE); maze_wall_generate(maze, MAZESIZE, wallo); uint16_t cols[4] = {0xFD93, 0xFB83, 0xFEEE, 0xFDDD}; haloo3d_fb_init_tex(floort, 64, 64); haloo3d_apply_alternating(floort, cols, 1); haloo3d_apply_noise(floort, NULL, 1.0 / 6); // haloo3d_apply_alternating(floort, cols, 2); haloo3d_fb_init_tex(ceilt, 16, 16); haloo3d_apply_alternating(ceilt, cols + 2, 2); haloo3d_fb_init_tex(wallt, 64, 64); uint16_t wallcols[] = {0xFA22}; haloo3d_apply_alternating(wallt, wallcols, 1); haloo3d_apply_noise(wallt, NULL, 1.0 / 8); haloo3d_apply_brick(wallt, 16, 11, 0xFEEE); // haloo3d_apply_brick(wallt, 14, 8, 0xFD94); haloo3d_apply_noise(wallt, NULL, 1.0 / 8); eprintf("Initialized models and textures\n"); // Lighting. Note that for performance, the lighting is always calculated // against the base model, and is thus not realistic if the object rotates in // the world. This can be fixed easily, since each object gets its own // lighting vector, which can easily be rotated in the opposite direction of // the model struct vec3 light; vec3(light.v, 0, -MCOS(LIGHTANG), MSIN(LIGHTANG)); haloo3d_obj_instance *floori = haloo3d_easyrender_addinstance(&render, flooro, floort); haloo3d_obj_instance *walli = haloo3d_easyrender_addinstance(&render, wallo, wallt); haloo3d_obj_instance *ceili = haloo3d_easyrender_addinstance(&render, ceilo, ceilt); floori->cullbackface = 0; ceili->cullbackface = 0; walli->cullbackface = 0; vec3(floori->scale.v, HSCALE, 1, HSCALE); vec3(ceili->scale.v, HSCALE, 1, HSCALE); vec3(walli->scale.v, HSCALE, 0, HSCALE); ceili->pos.y = 1; //-1; eprintf("Setup all object instances\n"); unigi_type_event event; unigi_type_resolution res; res.width = SWIDTH; res.height = SHEIGHT; res.depth = 0; int totaldrawn = 0; eprintf("Scene has %d tris, %d verts\n", render.totalfaces, render.totalverts); // Init unigi system // sprintf(render.printbuf, "maze.exe - %s %s %s", argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]); unigi_graphics_init(); unigi_window_create(res, "maze.exe"); // render.printbuf); render.camera.pos.y = 5; render.camera.pitch = 2.2; ceili->pos.y = -10; haloo3d_debugconsole_set(&dc, "obj/ceil/pos_y.f", &ceili->pos.y); // Set up the various systems haloo_ecs ecs; haloo_ecs_init(&ecs); HECS_ADDNEWCOMPONENT(ecs_moveto, &ecs); // HECS_ADDNEWCOMPONENT(ecs_rotateto, &ecs); HECS_ADDNEWCOMPONENT(ecs_maze, &ecs); HECS_ADDNEWCOMPONENT(ecs_objin, &ecs); HECS_ADDNEWCOMPONENT(ecs_camera, &ecs); hecs_eidt playerid = haloo_ecs_newentity(&ecs, 0); // struct vec2i playerstart = {.x = 0, .y = 0}; // struct vec2i playerface = {.x = 0, .y = -1}; HECS_SETCOMPONENT(ecs_moveto, &ecs, playerid){ .pos = render.camera.pos, .dst = render.camera.pos, .timer = 0}; HECS_SETCOMPONENT(ecs_maze, &ecs, playerid){}; //.maze = maze, .pos = playerstart, .size = MAZESIZE, .dir = DIRSOUTH}; HECS_SETCOMPONENT(ecs_camera, &ecs, playerid) & render.camera; // ----------------------------------- // Actual rendering // ----------------------------------- // ceili->texture = &render.window; while (1) { haloo3d_easytimer_start(&frametimer); render.camera.yaw += 0.008; haloo3d_perspective(render.perspective, fov, ASPECT, NEARCLIP, FARCLIP); haloo3d_easyrender_beginframe(&render); haloo3d_fb_clear(&render.window, sky); walli->scale.y = fabs(sin(3 * render.camera.yaw)); // render.camera.up.x = sin(render.camera.yaw); // render.camera.up.y = cos(render.camera.yaw); // walli->up.x = sin(3 * render.camera.yaw); // walli->up.y = cos(4 * render.camera.yaw); unigi_event_get(&event); if (event.type == unigi_enum_event_input_keyboard) { if (event.data.input_keyboard.down) { switch (event.data.input_keyboard.button) { case KEY_SPACE: haloo3d_debugconsole_beginprompt(&dc); break; default: exit(0); } } } // --------------------------- // Game logic? // --------------------------- for (int i = 0; i < HECS_MAXENTITIES; i++) { HECS_RUNSYS(&ecs, i, sys_ecs_objin_moveto, ecs_objin_f, ecs_moveto_f); HECS_RUNSYS(&ecs, i, sys_ecs_moveto, ecs_moveto_f); HECS_RUNSYS(&ecs, i, sys_ecs_moveto_objin, ecs_moveto_f, ecs_objin_f); } totaldrawn = 0; haloo3d_obj_instance *object = NULL; // Iterate over objects while ((object = haloo3d_easyrender_nextinstance(&render, object)) != NULL) { // Setup final model matrix and the precalced vertices haloo3d_easyrender_beginmodel(&render, object); // Iterate over object faces for (int fi = 0; fi < object->model->numfaces; fi++) { totaldrawn += haloo3d_easyrender_renderface( &render, object, fi, ditherstart, ditherend, minlight); } } haloo3d_easytimer_start(&filltimer); #ifdef FASTFILL haloo3d_fb_fill(&screen, &render.window); #else haloo3d_recti texrect = {.x1 = 0, .y1 = 0, .x2 = WIDTH, .y2 = HEIGHT}; haloo3d_recti screenrect = {.x1 = 0, .y1 = 0, .x2 = SWIDTH, .y2 = SHEIGHT}; haloo3d_sprite(&screen, &render.window, texrect, screenrect); #endif haloo3d_easytimer_end(&filltimer); haloo3d_print(&render.tprint, "Last frame: %05.2f (%05.2f)\nLast fill: %05.2f " "(%05.2f)\nLast SDLFl: %05.2f " "(%05.2f)\nTris: %d / %d\nVerts: %d\n", frametimer.last * 1000, frametimer.sum * 1000, filltimer.last * 1000, filltimer.sum * 1000, sdltimer.last * 1000, sdltimer.sum * 1000, totaldrawn, render.totalfaces, render.totalverts); haloo3d_easytimer_start(&sdltimer); unigi_graphics_blit(0, (unigi_type_color *)screen.buffer, res.width * res.height); unigi_graphics_flush(); haloo3d_easytimer_end(&sdltimer); haloo3d_easytimer_end(&frametimer); float waittime = (1.0 / fps) - frametimer.last; if (waittime > 0) { unigi_time_sleep(waittime * unigi_time_clocks_per_s); } } // Just to get the compiler to STOP COMPLAINING about unused haloo_ecs_removeentity(&ecs, playerid); //, int eid) haloo3d_easystore_deleteallobj(&storage, haloo3d_obj_free); haloo3d_easystore_deletealltex(&storage, haloo3d_fb_free); }