Setting up first example

This commit is contained in:
Carlos Sanchez 2024-08-12 21:21:18 -04:00
parent ff4d1254d6
commit 34a11bbdb4
4 changed files with 316 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -14,4 +14,21 @@ git submodule update --init
You don't need to pull in the submodules if you setup your includes You don't need to pull in the submodules if you setup your includes
and stuff. and stuff.
## Unigi
For the time being, unigi is designed such that it expects you to
compile your entire program as a single unit. This means you must
include all your .c files into the main file, in the right order.
This may change in the future.
## Haloo3d
You can compile haloo3d using the provided makefile, or include the
.h and .c files directly into the main translation unit like unigi
currently expects.
For these samples, they expect you to build the `haloo3d_full.a`
library using `make full` in the haloo3d submodule. For convenience,
the makefile for the samples assumes you are using the submodule
and runs make in there for you.

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 6a438f885233db0789be7bcae21770e2844ff843 Subproject commit f3eae6298d41599490f811a14b95996686bcde80

resources/flower.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#ifndef H3D_FLOWER
// F = flower color
// S = stem color
// D = disk color (usually yellow)
// B = bottom flower color (darker than F)
// Y = bottom stem color (darker than S)
// clang-format off
#define H3D_FLOWER(f, s, d, b, y) { \
0,0,f,0,0,f,0,0, \
0,0,f,d,d,f,0,0, \
0,0,f,f,f,b,0,0, \
0,0,s,b,b,y,0,0, \
0,0,0,s,y,0,0,0, \
0,s,s,s,y,y,y,0, \
0,0,0,s,y,0,0,0, \
0,0,0,s,y,0,0,0, \
// clang-format on

scene.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
#include "haloo3d/haloo3d.h"
#include "haloo3d/haloo3dex_gen.h"
#include "haloo3d/haloo3dex_img.h"
#include "haloo3d/haloo3dex_obj.h"
#include "haloo3d/haloo3dex_print.h"
#include "resources/flower.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define FASTTRIS
#define WIDTH 640
#define HEIGHT 480
#define ASPECT ((float)WIDTH / HEIGHT)
#define FOV 90.0
#define NEARCLIP 0.01
#define FARCLIP 100.0
#define LIGHTANG -MPI / 4.0
#define MINLIGHT 0.25
#define SKYSCALE 30
#define AVGWEIGHT 0.85
// this is the number of DYNAMIC objects..
#define NUMOBJECTS 4
#define NUMFLOWERS 300
#define PLANESIZE 61
#define MAXCAM 1200
#define TRIFUNC haloo3d_texturedtriangle_fast
#define WBUFCLEAR 0
#define TRIFUNC haloo3d_texturedtriangle
#define CALCTIME(thistime, start, end, sum) \
float thistime = 1000.0 * (float)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; \
if (sum == 0) \
sum = thistime; \
sum = AVGWEIGHT * sum + (1 - AVGWEIGHT) * thistime;
typedef struct {
mfloat_t xofs;
mfloat_t yofs;
mfloat_t zofs;
mfloat_t yaw;
mfloat_t pitch;
} camset;
uint16_t redflower[64] = H3D_FLOWER(0xFE55, 0xF6C4, 0xFFE0, 0xFD44, 0xF492);
int readcam(camset *set, int max, char *filename) {
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");
if (f == NULL) {
dieerr("Can't open %s for reading cam\n", filename);
int num = 0;
while (5 == fscanf(f, "%f %f %f %f %f", &set[num].xofs, &set[num].yofs,
&set[num].zofs, &set[num].yaw, &set[num].pitch)) {
// char linebuf[1024];
// fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), f)) {
if (num >= max) {
eprintf("Camera file too big! Ignoring rest\n");
printf("Read %d camlines from %s\n", num, filename);
return num;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc != 4) {
dieerr("You must pass in the following:\n- obj file .obj\n- texture file "
".ppm\n- camera file (xofs yofs zofs yawdeg pitchdeg)\n");
//- obj xofs\n- obj yofs\n- obj zofs\n- obj rotation deg\n");
// Load the junk + generate stuff
haloo3d_obj models[NUMOBJECTS];
haloo3d_fb textures[NUMOBJECTS];
haloo3d_obj_loadfile(models, argv[1]);
haloo3d_img_loadppmfile(textures, argv[2]);
haloo3d_gen_1pxgradient(textures + 1, 0xF44F, 0xF001, 32);
haloo3d_gen_skybox(models + 1);
uint16_t checkcols[2] = {0xF0A0, 0xF270};
haloo3d_gen_checkerboard(textures + 2, checkcols, 2, 32);
haloo3d_gen_sloped(models + 2, PLANESIZE, 1.0, 1.25);
haloo3d_fb_init_tex(textures + 3, 8, 8);
memcpy(textures[3].buffer, redflower, sizeof(uint16_t) * 64);
// memset(textures[3].buffer, 0xFF, sizeof(uint16_t) * 64);
haloo3d_gen_crossquad(models + 3, textures + 3);
camset cams[MAXCAM];
int numcams = readcam(cams, MAXCAM, argv[3]);
// Create the camera matrix, which DOES change. In this one,
// we move the camera instead of the model
haloo3d_camera camera;
// Create the perspective matrix, which doesn't change
mfloat_t perspective[MAT4_SIZE];
haloo3d_perspective(perspective, FOV, ASPECT, NEARCLIP, FARCLIP);
// Lighting. Note that for performance, the lighting is always calculated
// against the base model, and is thus not realistic if the object rotates in
// the world. This can be fixed easily, since each object gets its own
// lighting vector, which can easily be rotated in the opposite direction of
// the model
struct vec3 light;
vec3(light.v, 0, -MCOS(LIGHTANG), MSIN(LIGHTANG));
int totalfaces = 0;
int totalverts = 0;
haloo3d_obj_instance objects[NUMINSTANCES];
for (int i = 0; i < NUMINSTANCES; i++) {
if (i < FLOWERIND) {
haloo3d_objin_init(objects + i, models + i, textures + i);
} else { // Setup the flowers
haloo3d_objin_init(objects + i, models + FLOWERIND, textures + FLOWERIND);
objects[i].cullbackface = 0;
objects[i].scale = 0.5;
int rvi = rand() % models[2].numvertices;
vec3_assign(objects[i].pos.v, models[2].vertices[rvi].v);
objects[i].pos.y += 0.5;
totalfaces += objects[i].model->numfaces;
totalverts += objects[i].model->numvertices;
objects[0].lighting = &light;
objects[2].lighting = &light;
// objects[0].pos.z = 0;
// objects[0].pos.y = -10;
// vec3(objects[2].pos.v, 0.5, 0.8, 0.5);
objects[0].pos.y = 1;
objects[1].scale = SKYSCALE;
// Now we create a framebuffer to draw the triangle into
haloo3d_fb fb;
haloo3d_fb_init(&fb, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
// Printing to screen needs tracking
haloo3d_print_tracker t;
char printbuf[8192];
haloo3d_print_initdefault(&t, printbuf, sizeof(printbuf));
t.fb = &fb;
t.logprints = 1;
// Storage stuff
mfloat_t matrix3d[MAT4_SIZE], matrixcam[MAT4_SIZE], matrixscreen[MAT4_SIZE],
haloo3d_facef outfaces[H3D_FACEF_MAXCLIP];
struct vec3 tmp1;
haloo3d_facef face, baseface;
struct vec4 *vert_precalc;
mallocordie(vert_precalc, sizeof(struct vec4) * H3D_OBJ_MAXVERTICES);
char fname[1024];
// float sumverts = 0, sumdraw = 0, sumframe = 0, suminit = 0, sumclip = 0;
// clock_t begin, end, vertend, drawend, initend, clipend, tempstart, tempend;
clock_t begin, end;
float sumframe = 0;
// float sumframe = 0;
// clock_t begin, end;
int totaldrawn = 0;
eprintf("Scene has %d tris, %d verts\n", totalfaces, totalverts);
// -----------------------------------
// Actual rendering
// -----------------------------------
for (int cami = 0; cami < numcams; cami++) {
begin = clock();
// vertend = begin;
// drawend = begin;
// clipend = begin;
totaldrawn = 0;
camera.pos.x = cams[cami].xofs;
camera.pos.y = cams[cami].yofs;
camera.pos.z = cams[cami].zofs;
camera.yaw = cams[cami].yaw;
camera.pitch = cams[cami].pitch + MPI_2;
haloo3d_fb_cleardepth(&fb, WBUFCLEAR);
// memset(fb.buffer, 0xFF, sizeof(uint16_t) * fb.width * fb.height);
// Screen matrix calc. We multiply the modelview matrix with this later
haloo3d_camera_calclook(&camera, matrixcam);
mat4_inverse(matrixcam, matrixcam);
mat4_multiply(matrixscreen, perspective, matrixcam);
// initend = clock();
// Iterate over objects
for (int i = 0; i < NUMINSTANCES; i++) {
// tempstart = clock();
// Setup final model matrix and the precalced vertices
vec3_add(tmp1.v, objects[i].pos.v, objects[i].lookvec.v);
haloo3d_my_lookat(matrixmodel, objects[i].pos.v, tmp1.v, camera.up.v);
haloo3d_mat4_scale(matrixmodel, objects[i].scale);
mat4_multiply(matrix3d, matrixscreen, matrixmodel);
haloo3d_precalc_verts(objects[i].model, matrix3d, vert_precalc);
// tempend = clock();
// vertend += (tempend - tempstart);
// Iterate over object faces
for (int fi = 0; fi < objects[i].model->numfaces; fi++) {
// Copy face values out of precalc array and clip them
haloo3d_make_facef(objects[i].model->faces[fi], vert_precalc,
objects[i].model->vtexture, face);
// tempstart = clock();
int tris = haloo3d_facef_clip(face, outfaces);
// tempend = clock();
// clipend += (tempend - tempstart);
// tempstart = tempend;
for (int ti = 0; ti < tris; ti++) {
int backface = !haloo3d_facef_finalize(outfaces[ti]);
if (objects[i].cullbackface && backface) {
mfloat_t intensity = 1.0;
if (objects[i].lighting) {
haloo3d_obj_facef(objects[i].model, objects[i].model->faces[fi],
intensity =
haloo3d_calc_light(objects[i].lighting->v, MINLIGHT, baseface);
// We still have to convert the points into the view
haloo3d_facef_viewport_into(outfaces[ti], WIDTH, HEIGHT);
TRIFUNC(&fb, objects[i].texture, intensity, outfaces[ti]);
// tempend = clock();
// drawend += (tempend - tempstart);
end = clock();
// CALCTIME(thisinittime, begin, initend, suminit);
// CALCTIME(thisverttime, begin, vertend, sumverts);
// CALCTIME(thiscliptime, begin, clipend, sumclip);
// CALCTIME(thisdrawtime, begin, drawend, sumdraw);
CALCTIME(thisframetime, begin, end, sumframe);
// haloo3d_print(&t,
// "Init work: %.2f (%.2f)\nVert calc: %.2f (%.2f)\n Clip:
// "
// "%.2f (%.2f)\n Draw: %.2f"
// " (%.2f)\n Frame: %.2f (%.2f)\nTris: %d / %d\nVerts:
// %d\n", thisinittime, suminit, thisverttime, sumverts,
// thiscliptime, sumclip, thisdrawtime, sumdraw,
// thisframetime, sumframe, totaldrawn, totalfaces,
// totalverts);
haloo3d_print(&t, "Frame: %.2f (%.2f)\nTris: %d / %d\nVerts: %d\n",
thisframetime, sumframe, totaldrawn, totalfaces, totalverts);
sprintf(fname, "scene_%04d.ppm", cami);
haloo3d_img_writeppmfile(&fb, fname);
for (int i = 0; i < NUMOBJECTS; i++) {
haloo3d_obj_free(models + i);
haloo3d_fb_free(textures + i);