#version 430 // Game of life transfert shader #define GOL_WIDTH 768 // Game Of Life Update Command // NOTE: matches the structure defined on main program struct GolUpdateCmd { uint x; // x coordinate of the gol command uint y; // y coordinate of the gol command uint w; // width of the filled zone uint enabled; // whether to enable or disable zone }; // Local compute unit size layout (local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; // Output game of life grid buffer layout(std430, binding = 1) buffer golBufferLayout { uint golBuffer[]; // golBuffer[x, y] = golBuffer[x + GOL_WIDTH * y] }; // Command buffer layout(std430, binding = 3) readonly restrict buffer golUpdateLayout { uint count; GolUpdateCmd commands[]; }; #define isInside(x, y) (((x) >= 0) && ((y) >= 0) && ((x) < GOL_WIDTH) && ((y) < GOL_WIDTH)) #define getBufferIndex(x, y) ((x) + GOL_WIDTH * (y)) void main() { uint cmdIndex = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; GolUpdateCmd cmd = commands[cmdIndex]; for (uint x = cmd.x; x < (cmd.x + cmd.w); x++) { for (uint y = cmd.y; y < (cmd.y + cmd.w); y++) { if (isInside(x, y)) { if (cmd.enabled != 0) atomicOr(golBuffer[getBufferIndex(x, y)], 1); else atomicAnd(golBuffer[getBufferIndex(x, y)], 0); } } } }