local screenWidth = 800 local screenHeight = 450 rl.SetConfigFlags(rl.FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT) rl.InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "Physac [raylua] - Physics demo") local logoX = screenWidth - rl.MeasureText("Physac", 30) - 10 local logoY = 15 local needsReset = false rl.InitPhysics() local floor = rl.CreatePhysicsBodyRectangle({ screenWidth/2, screenHeight }, 500, 100, 10) floor.enabled = false local circle = rl.CreatePhysicsBodyCircle({ screenWidth/2, screenHeight/2 }, 45, 10) circle.enabled = false rl.SetTargetFPS(60) while not rl.WindowShouldClose() do rl.UpdatePhysics() if needsReset then floor = rl.CreatePhysicsBodyRectangle({ screenWidth/2, screenHeight }, 500, 100, 10) circle = rl.CreatePhysicsBodyCircle({ screenWidth/2, screenHeight/2 }, 45, 10) floor.enabled = false circle.enabled = false needsReset = false end if rl.IsKeyPressed(string.byte("R")) then rl.ResetPhysics() needsReset = true end if rl.IsMouseButtonPressed(rl.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) then rl.CreatePhysicsBodyPolygon(rl.GetMousePosition(), rl.GetRandomValue(20, 80), rl.GetRandomValue(3, 8), 10); elseif rl.IsMouseButtonPressed(rl.MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON) then rl.CreatePhysicsBodyCircle(rl.GetMousePosition(), rl.GetRandomValue(10, 45), 10) end local bodiesCount = rl.GetPhysicsBodiesCount() for i=0,bodiesCount do local body = rl.GetPhysicsBody(i) if body ~= nil and (body.position.y > screenHeight*2) then print("Destroyed " .. tostring(body)) rl.DestroyPhysicsBody(body) end end rl.BeginDrawing() rl.ClearBackground(rl.BLACK) bodiesCount = rl.GetPhysicsBodiesCount() for i=0,bodiesCount-1 do local body = rl.GetPhysicsBody(i) if body ~= nil then local vertexCount = rl.GetPhysicsShapeVerticesCount(i) for j=0,vertexCount-1 do local vertexA = rl.GetPhysicsShapeVertex(body, j); local jj = ((j + 1) < vertexCount) and (j + 1) or 0 local vertexB = rl.GetPhysicsShapeVertex(body, jj); rl.DrawLineV(vertexA, vertexB, rl.GREEN) end end end rl.DrawText("Left mouse button to create a polygon", 10, 10, 10, rl.WHITE); rl.DrawText("Right mouse button to create a circle", 10, 25, 10, rl.WHITE); rl.DrawText("Press 'R' to reset example", 10, 40, 10, rl.WHITE); rl.DrawText("Physac", logoX, logoY, 30, rl.WHITE); rl.DrawText("Powered by", logoX + 50, logoY - 7, 10, rl.WHITE); rl.EndDrawing() end rl.ClosePhysics() rl.CloseWindow()