--[[ Saphire-based build system for raylib-lua Copyright (C) 2021 Astie Teddy Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ]] local saphire = require "saphire" local c = require "saphire-c" local Future = require "saphire-future" local los = require "los" local cc = os.getenv "CC" or "cc" local ar = os.getenv "AR" or "ar" local windres = os.getenv "WINDRES" or "windres" -- TODO: Use current lua interpreter local lua = os.getenv "LUA" local needs_luajit_built = not (os.getenv "LUA") local cflags = os.getenv "CFLAGS" or "-O2 -s" local ldflags = os.getenv "LDFLAGS" or "-O2 -s -lm" local ldflags_r = os.getenv "LDFLAGS_R" or "" local modules = "raymath rlgl easings gestures physac raygui" local graphics = os.getenv "GRAPHICS" or "GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_43" cflags = cflags .. " -Iluajit/src -Iraygui/src -Iraylib/src".. " -D" .. graphics local raylua_so_path = "raylua.so" -- assume unix-like by default local so_ldflags = ldflags if los.type() == "linux" then ldflags = ldflags .. " -ldl -pthread" cflags = cflags .. " -fPIC" so_ldflags = ldflags .. " -llua5.1" lua = lua or "luajit/src/luajit" elseif los.type() == "win32" then ldflags = ldflags .. " -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm -static " so_ldflags = ldflags .. " -llua5.1.dll" raylua_so_path = "raylua.dll" ldflags_r = ldflags_r .. "-mwindows" lua = lua or "luajit\\src\\luajit" end local libluajit if saphire.targets.clean then libluajit = { command = "make -C luajit clean", name = "LuaJIT" } else libluajit = { command = string.format("make -C luajit amalg CC=%s BUILDMODE=static MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.13", cc), name = "LuaJIT" } end saphire.do_single(libluajit) libluajit[1] = "luajit/src/libluajit.a" local libraylib = Future "raylib/src/libraylib.a" saphire.do_subdir("raylib/src", false, "build/buildRaylib.lua", libraylib) local function lua2c(files, output, name) if saphire.targets.clean then return string.format("rm -f %s", output) else return string.format("%s tools/lua2str.lua %s %s %s", lua, output, name, table.concat(files, " ")) end end local function genbind(output, modules) if saphire.targets.clean then return string.format("rm -f %s", output) else return string.format("%s tools/genbind.lua src/autogen/bind.c %s", lua, modules) end end local raylua_src = { c.src("src/raylua.c", function () -- Generate bind.c and boot.c if needs_luajit_built then -- LuaJIT needs to be built libluajit:wait() end saphire.do_multi({ { command = lua2c( { "src/raylib.lua", "src/compat.lua", "src/raylua.lua" }, "src/autogen/boot.c", "raylua_boot_lua" ), name = "boot.c" }, { command = genbind("src/autogen/bind.c", modules), name = "bind.c" } }, true) end) } local raylua_obj = c.compile(raylua_src, cflags .. " -D" .. graphics, "raylua", cc) local libraylua = c.lib("libraylua.a", raylua_obj, "raylua", ar) local raylua_s_src = { "src/raylua_s.c" } local raylua_s_objs = c.compile(raylua_s_src, cflags, "raylua_s", cc) local raylua_e_src = { c.src("src/raylua_builder.c", function () saphire.do_single(lua2c({ "src/raylua_builder.lua" }, "src/autogen/builder.c", "raylua_builder_lua"), true) end), "src/raylua_e.c", "src/lib/miniz.c", "src/raylua_self.c", } local raylua_e_objs = c.compile(raylua_e_src, cflags, "raylua_e", cc) local icon if los.type() == "win32" then icon = c.res("src/res/icon.rc", { "src/res/icon.ico" }, "icon", windres) end local raylua_s = c.link("raylua_s", saphire.merge(raylua_s_objs, { libraylua, libraylib, libluajit, icon }), ldflags, false, "raylua_s", cc ) local raylua_e = c.link("raylua_e", saphire.merge(raylua_e_objs, { libraylua, libraylib, libluajit, icon }), ldflags, false, "raylua_e", cc ) local raylua_r = c.link("raylua_r", saphire.merge(raylua_e_objs, { libraylua, libraylib, libluajit, icon }), ldflags .. " " .. ldflags_r, false, "raylua_r", cc ) local raylua_so = c.link(raylua_so_path, saphire.merge(raylua_obj, { libraylib }), so_ldflags, true, raylua_so_path, cc )