## Opus-NT A windows homebrew kit and collection of mods. Can mod .WIM (this is where main-support is) and offline windows installations. Mods are written for 7 and up, but are likely to work with Vista and up. **Certain parts are still untested, so bear with me.** **DON'T RUN MULTIPLE INSTANCES OF THIS SCRIPT.** ## Prerequisites * **Python:** https://www.python.org/downloads/ (Get 3.8.* if you're on 7, devs are soy) * **colorama:** `py -m pip install colorama` * **wimlib:** https://wimlib.net/ (if working with .WIMs) * **Something to run the script as SYSTEM and TrustedInstaller:** There isn't much good software to do this with, especially the TrustedInstaller part. This is okay: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/advanced_run.html -- But it's not open source ([*1](#notes)) ## How to use Run `run.py` with some arguments, as SYSTEM/TrustedInstaller. Arguments work like this: `arg="value"`. If working with .WIMs, make sure [wimlib](https://wimlib.net/) is in your path. ### Arguments - .WIM: * **wim:** Point to a wim file (**required**) * **index:** Choose the index to apply to. Starts at 1, use \* for all (**required**) * **tmp:** Set temporary folder **Example:** `run.py wim="E:\sources\install.wim" index=*` - Applies tweaks to all indexes of `E:\sources\install.wim`. ### Arguments - Offline media: (This entire mode is currently untested and unsupported) * **path:** Point to a Windows install, likely a drive with a `Windows` folder (**required**) **Example:** `run.py path="D:" index=*` - Applies tweaks to `D:\`. ### Arguments - General: * **modpath:** Folder to source mods from. **Example:** `run.py modpath="mods-trustedInstaller" wim="E:\sources\install.wim" index=*` - Apply mods that require to be executed by TrustedInstaller to all indexes of `E:\sources\install.wim`. ## Notes **\*1:** Blame M$. Terry said something amongst the lines of "File permissions don't belong in a user operating system" - I think it's good enough if you have a user that has permissions over everything. Vista and up do not have this, for some reason.