#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys oldexcepthook = sys.excepthook def newexcepthook(type,value,traceback): oldexcepthook(type,value,traceback) input("Press ENTER to quit.") sys.excepthook = newexcepthook import os def p(*args): args = list(args) index = 0 length = len(args) while index < length: arg = args[index] arg = arg.replace("/",os.path.sep) arg = arg.replace("\\",os.path.sep) if index != 0: arg = arg.lstrip(os.path.sep) arg = arg.rstrip(os.path.sep) while os.path.sep + os.path.sep in arg: arg = arg.replace(os.path.sep + os.path.sep,os.path.sep) if arg == "": del args[index] length -= 1 continue args[index] = arg index += 1 return os.path.sep.join(args) pUp = os.path.dirname s = False if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False) and hasattr(sys, '_MEIPASS'): s = os.path.realpath(sys.executable) else: s = os.path.realpath(__file__) sp = pUp(s) # script start version = (0,0,0,"alpha") import api.opusnt as opusnt import json import subprocess import winreg class coloramaFallback: class Fore: BLACK = "" RED = "" GREEN = "" YELLOW = "" BLUE = "" MAGENTA = "" CYAN = "" WHITE = "" RESET = "" class Back: BLACK = "" RED = "" GREEN = "" YELLOW = "" BLUE = "" MAGENTA = "" CYAN = "" WHITE = "" RESET = "" class Style: DIM = "" NORMAL = "" BRIGHT = "" RESET_ALL = "" def coloramaInit(): global colorama coloramaSuccess = False if not "-nocolor" in sys.argv: try: import colorama colorama.init() coloramaSuccess = True except Exception as e: print("Could not import/init colorama: " +str(e),file=sys.stderr) print("Colors deactivated.\n",file=sys.stderr) if not coloramaSuccess: colorama = coloramaFallback coloramaInit() def runCode(str, lcs = False, description = "loose-code"): if lcs == False: lcs = {} code = compile(str,"code","exec") exec(code,globals(),lcs) return lcs def runScript(sf, lcs = False): if lcs == False: lcs = {} with open(sf) as script: runCode(script.read(),lcs,sf) return lcs def prettyJson(ls): return json.dumps(ls,indent=2) def printStatus(st,color = colorama.Fore.YELLOW): print(color + colorama.Style.BRIGHT + st + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL) def main(): arglist = {} for arg in sys.argv[1:]: splitarg = arg.split("=",1) if len(splitarg) < 2: splitarg.append("") while len(splitarg[0]) > 0 and splitarg[0][0] in [" "," "]: splitarg[0] = splitarg[0][1:] while len(splitarg[0]) > 0 and splitarg[0][-1] in [" "," "]: splitarg[0] = splitarg[0][:-1] while len(splitarg[1]) > 0 and splitarg[1][0] in [" "," "]: splitarg[1] = splitarg[1][1:] while len(splitarg[1]) > 0 and splitarg[1][-1] in [" "," "]: splitarg[1] = splitarg[1][:-1] arglist[splitarg[0]] = splitarg[1] printStatus("\narguments:") print(prettyJson(arglist)+ "\n") if "wim" in arglist: opusnt.target["type"] = "wim" opusnt.target["path"] = arglist["wim"] if arglist["index"] != "*": opusnt.target["index"] = int(arglist["index"]) opusnt.target["maxIndex"] = int(arglist["index"]) else: opusnt.target["index"] = 1 opusnt.getMaxIndex() else: opusnt.target["type"] = "offline" opusnt.target["path"] = arglist["path"] opusnt.tmpPath = p(sp,"tmp") if "tmp" in arglist: opusnt.tmpPath = arglist["tmp"] if os.path.isdir(opusnt.tmpPath): subprocess.run(["rmdir","/s","/q",opusnt.tmpPath],check=True,shell=True) modpath = p(sp,"mods") if "modpath" in arglist: modpath = arglist["modpath"] while opusnt.target["index"] <= opusnt.target["maxIndex"]: os.makedirs(opusnt.tmpPath) regs = { "software": p("Windows","System32","config","SOFTWARE"), "system": p("Windows","System32","config","SYSTEM"), "user-SYSTEM": p("Windows","System32","config","DEFAULT"), "user-SYSTEM2": p("Windows","System32","config","systemprofile","ntuser.dat") } printStatus("\nextracting registry hives (" +str(opusnt.target["index"])+ "/" +str(opusnt.target["maxIndex"])+ ")...") for reg in list(regs.keys()): try: opusnt.readyFile(regs[reg]) except: print(colorama.Fore.YELLOW + colorama.Style.BRIGHT + "warning: " +colorama.Style.RESET_ALL+ " extracting " +regs[reg]+ " failed, skipping.") del regs[reg] userPath = "Users" opusnt.readyFile(userPath) userPath = opusnt.filePath(userPath) for root,dirs,files in os.walk(userPath): for file in dirs: ffile = p(userPath,file) user = ffile.replace(userPath + os.path.sep,"",1) if os.path.isfile(p(ffile,"ntuser.dat")): regs["user-" +user] = p(ffile,"ntuser.dat") break printStatus("mounting registry hives...") for reg in regs: opusnt.mountReg(opusnt.regTmpPath + reg, opusnt.filePath(regs[reg])) opusnt.getVersion(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,(opusnt.regTmpPath + "software").split("\\",1)[-1]) printStatus("\nwindows version:") print(prettyJson(opusnt.target["version"]) + "\n") modlist = opusnt.getModlist(modpath) for mod in modlist: lmod = mod.replace(modpath + os.sep,"",1) print(colorama.Fore.YELLOW + colorama.Style.BRIGHT+ "applying mod: " + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + lmod,end="") # process conditional scripts skip = False lmodSplit = lmod.split(os.sep) currentCondSplit = "" for split in lmodSplit: if currentCondSplit == "": currentCondSplit = split else: currentCondSplit = p(currentCondSplit,split) condFile = p(modpath,currentCondSplit,"condition.py") if os.path.isfile(condFile): lcs = locals() runScript(condFile,lcs) if "skip" in lcs: skip = lcs["skip"] if skip: print(colorama.Fore.RED + colorama.Style.BRIGHT + " - skipping (conditional)" +colorama.Style.RESET_ALL); continue print("") # run modscript dataPass = True modscript = p(mod,"modscript.py") if os.path.isfile(modscript): lcs = locals() runScript(modscript,lcs) if "dataPass" in lcs: dataPass = lcs["dataPass"] # add files if dataPass == False: continue if not os.path.isdir(p(mod,"data")): continue opusnt.addFiles(p(mod,"data")) printStatus("unmounting registry hives...") for reg in regs: opusnt.unmountReg(opusnt.regTmpPath + reg) if opusnt.target["type"] == "wim": printStatus("updating wim...") opusnt.addFiles(opusnt.tmpPath) printStatus("deleting temporary folder...") subprocess.run(["rmdir","/s","/q",opusnt.tmpPath],check=True,shell=True) opusnt.target["index"] += 1 if __name__ == "__main__": main()