
112 lines
3.9 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- ==========================================================================\
| To learn how to make your own language parser, please check the following
| link:
\=========================================================================== -->
<!-- =========================================================== [ C ] -->
id ="c_function"
commentExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?s:\x2F\x2A.*?\x2A\x2F) # Multi Line Comment
| (?m-s:\x2F{2}.*$) # Single Line Comment
| (?s:\x22(?:[^\x22\x5C]|\x5C.)*\x22) # String Literal - Double Quoted
| (?s:\x27(?:[^\x27\x5C]|\x5C.)*\x27) # String Literal - Single Quoted
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?: # Declaration specifiers
(?-i:auto|register|static|extern|typedef) # Storage class specifier
| (?: # Type specifier
| (?-i:struct|union|enum)
(?&amp;VALID_ID) # Struct, Union or Enum Specifier (simplified)
| (?&amp;VALID_ID) # Type-definition name
| (?'TYPE_QUALIFIER'(?-i:const|volatile))
(?:(?&amp;POINTER))? # Boost::Regex 1.58-1.59 do not correctly handle quantifiers on subroutine calls
(?'VALID_ID' # valid identifier, use as subroutine
| break
| c(?:ase|har|on(?:st|ntinue))
| d(?:efault|o(?:uble)?)
| e(?:lse|num|xtern)
| f(?:loat|or)
| goto
| i(?:f|n(?:t|line))
| long
| while
| re(?:gister|strict|turn)
| s(?:hort|i(?:gned|zeof)|t(?:atic|ruct)|witch)
| typedef
| un(?:ion|signed)
| vo(?:id|latile)
| _(?:
| Bool
| Complex
| Generic
| Imaginary
| Noreturn
| Static_assert
| Thread_local
)\b) # keywords, not to be used as identifier
[A-Za-z_\x7F-\xFF][\w\x7F-\xFF]* # valid character combination for identifiers
| \s*\(
| \s*(?&amp;VALID_ID)
| \s*(?&amp;VALID_ID)
(?=\{) # start of function body
<nameExpr expr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
\s*\( # start of parameters
(?s:.*?) # whatever, until...
\) # end of parameters
" />
<!-- comment out the following node to display the method with its parameters -->
<!-- <nameExpr expr="[A-Za-z_\x7F-\xFF][\w\x7F-\xFF]*" /> -->