Fix #4749, close #5003
513 lines
19 KiB
513 lines
19 KiB
// This file is part of Notepad++ project
// Copyright (C)2003 Don HO <don.h@free.fr>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Note that the GPL places important restrictions on "derived works", yet
// it does not provide a detailed definition of that term. To avoid
// misunderstandings, we consider an application to constitute a
// "derivative work" for the purpose of this license if it does any of the
// following:
// 1. Integrates source code from Notepad++.
// 2. Integrates/includes/aggregates Notepad++ into a proprietary executable
// installer, such as those produced by InstallShield.
// 3. Links to a library or executes a program that does any of the above.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "Printer.h"
#include "RunDlg.h"
//#include "Parameters.h"
void replaceStr(generic_string & str, generic_string str2BeReplaced, generic_string replacement)
size_t pos = str.find(str2BeReplaced);
if (pos != str.npos)
str.replace(pos, str2BeReplaced.length(), replacement);
void Printer::init(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hwnd, ScintillaEditView *pSEView, bool showDialog, int startPos, int endPos, bool isRTL)
_pSEView = pSEView;
_startPos = startPos;
_endPos = endPos;
_pdlg.lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLG);
_pdlg.hwndOwner = hwnd;
_pdlg.hInstance = hInst;
_pdlg.nFromPage = 1;
_pdlg.nToPage = 1;
_pdlg.nMinPage = 1;
_pdlg.nMaxPage = 0xffffU; // We do not know how many pages in the
// document until the printer is selected and the paper size is known.
_pdlg.nCopies = 1;
_pdlg.hDC = 0;
_pdlg.hDevMode = NULL;
_pdlg.hDevNames = NULL;
_pdlg.lCustData = 0;
_pdlg.lpfnPrintHook = NULL;
_pdlg.lpfnSetupHook = NULL;
_pdlg.lpPrintTemplateName = NULL;
_pdlg.lpSetupTemplateName = NULL;
_pdlg.hPrintTemplate = NULL;
_pdlg.hSetupTemplate = NULL;
// See if a range has been selected
_pdlg.Flags |= (_startPos != _endPos)?PD_SELECTION:PD_NOSELECTION;
if (!showDialog)
// Don't display dialog box, just use the default printer and options
_pdlg.Flags |= PD_RETURNDEFAULT;
_isRTL = isRTL;
size_t Printer::doPrint(bool justDoIt)
if (!::PrintDlg(&_pdlg))
return 0;
const NppGUI & nppGUI = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getNppGUI();
POINT ptPage;
POINT ptDpi;
RECT rectMargins;
RECT rectPhysMargins;
RECT userMargins;
// Get printer resolution
ptDpi.x = GetDeviceCaps(_pdlg.hDC, LOGPIXELSX); // dpi in X direction
ptDpi.y = GetDeviceCaps(_pdlg.hDC, LOGPIXELSY); // dpi in Y direction
// Start by getting the physical page size (in device units).
ptPage.x = GetDeviceCaps(_pdlg.hDC, PHYSICALWIDTH); // device units
ptPage.y = GetDeviceCaps(_pdlg.hDC, PHYSICALHEIGHT); // device units
// Get the dimensions of the unprintable
// part of the page (in device units).
rectPhysMargins.left = GetDeviceCaps(_pdlg.hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETX);
rectPhysMargins.top = GetDeviceCaps(_pdlg.hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETY);
// To get the right and lower unprintable area,
// we take the entire width and height of the paper and
// subtract everything else.
rectPhysMargins.right = ptPage.x // total paper width
- GetDeviceCaps(_pdlg.hDC, HORZRES) // printable width
- rectPhysMargins.left; // left unprintable margin
rectPhysMargins.bottom = ptPage.y // total paper height
- GetDeviceCaps(_pdlg.hDC, VERTRES) // printable height
- rectPhysMargins.top; // right unprintable margin
if (nppGUI._printSettings.isUserMargePresent())
userMargins.left = MulDiv(nppGUI._printSettings._marge.left*100, ptDpi.x, 2540);
userMargins.top = MulDiv(nppGUI._printSettings._marge.top*100, ptDpi.y, 2540);
userMargins.right = MulDiv(nppGUI._printSettings._marge.right*100, ptDpi.x, 2540);
userMargins.bottom = MulDiv(nppGUI._printSettings._marge.bottom*100, ptDpi.y, 2540);
rectMargins.left = max(rectPhysMargins.left, userMargins.left);
rectMargins.top = max(rectPhysMargins.top, userMargins.top);
rectMargins.right = max(rectPhysMargins.right, userMargins.right);
rectMargins.bottom = max(rectPhysMargins.bottom, userMargins.bottom);
rectMargins.left = rectPhysMargins.left;
rectMargins.top = rectPhysMargins.top;
rectMargins.right = rectPhysMargins.right;
rectMargins.bottom = rectPhysMargins.bottom;
// Convert device coordinates into logical coordinates
DPtoLP(_pdlg.hDC, (LPPOINT)&rectMargins, 2);
DPtoLP(_pdlg.hDC, (LPPOINT)&rectPhysMargins, 2);
// Convert page size to logical units and we're done!
DPtoLP(_pdlg.hDC, &ptPage, 1);
int fontSize = nppGUI._printSettings._headerFontSize?nppGUI._printSettings._headerFontSize:9;
int fontWeight = (nppGUI._printSettings._headerFontStyle & FONTSTYLE_BOLD) ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL;
int isFontItalic = (nppGUI._printSettings._headerFontStyle & FONTSTYLE_ITALIC) ? TRUE : FALSE;
const TCHAR *fontFace = (nppGUI._printSettings._headerFontName != TEXT(""))?nppGUI._printSettings._headerFontName.c_str():TEXT("Arial");
int headerLineHeight = ::MulDiv(fontSize, ptDpi.y, 72);
HFONT fontHeader = ::CreateFont(headerLineHeight,
0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,
::SelectObject(_pdlg.hDC, fontHeader);
::GetTextMetrics(_pdlg.hDC, &tm);
headerLineHeight = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading;
fontSize = nppGUI._printSettings._footerFontSize?nppGUI._printSettings._footerFontSize:9;
fontWeight = (nppGUI._printSettings._footerFontStyle & FONTSTYLE_BOLD) ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL;
isFontItalic = (nppGUI._printSettings._footerFontStyle & FONTSTYLE_ITALIC) ? TRUE : FALSE;
fontFace = (nppGUI._printSettings._footerFontName != TEXT(""))?nppGUI._printSettings._footerFontName.c_str():TEXT("Arial");
int footerLineHeight = ::MulDiv(fontSize, ptDpi.y, 72);
HFONT fontFooter = ::CreateFont(footerLineHeight,
0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,
::SelectObject(_pdlg.hDC, fontFooter);
::GetTextMetrics(_pdlg.hDC, &tm);
footerLineHeight = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading;
::GetTextMetrics(_pdlg.hDC, &tm);
int printMarge = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading;
printMarge = printMarge + printMarge / 2;
DOCINFO docInfo;
docInfo.cbSize = sizeof(DOCINFO);
docInfo.fwType = 0;
docInfo.lpszDocName = _pSEView->getCurrentBuffer()->getFullPathName();
docInfo.lpszOutput = NULL;
docInfo.lpszDatatype = NULL;
if (::StartDoc(_pdlg.hDC, &docInfo) < 0)
MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Can not start printer document."), 0, MB_OK);
return 0;
// By default, we will print all the document
long lengthPrinted = 0;
long lengthDoc = _pSEView->getCurrentDocLen();
long lengthDocMax = lengthDoc;
// In the case that the print dialog was launched and that there's a range of selection
// We print the range of selection
if ((!(_pdlg.Flags & PD_RETURNDEFAULT)) && (_pdlg.Flags & PD_SELECTION))
if (_startPos > _endPos)
lengthPrinted = static_cast<long>(_endPos);
lengthDoc = static_cast<long>(_startPos);
lengthPrinted = static_cast<long>(_startPos);
lengthDoc = static_cast<long>(_endPos);
if (lengthPrinted < 0)
lengthPrinted = 0;
if (lengthDoc > lengthDocMax)
lengthDoc = lengthDocMax;
NPP_RangeToFormat frPrint;
frPrint.hdc = _pdlg.hDC;
frPrint.hdcTarget = _pdlg.hDC;
frPrint.rc.left = rectMargins.left - rectPhysMargins.left;
frPrint.rc.top = rectMargins.top - rectPhysMargins.top;
frPrint.rc.right = ptPage.x - rectMargins.right - rectPhysMargins.left;
frPrint.rc.bottom = ptPage.y - rectMargins.bottom - rectPhysMargins.top;
frPrint.rcPage.left = 0;
frPrint.rcPage.top = 0;
frPrint.rcPage.right = ptPage.x - rectPhysMargins.left - rectPhysMargins.right - 1;
frPrint.rcPage.bottom = ptPage.y - rectPhysMargins.top - rectPhysMargins.bottom - 1;
frPrint.rc.top += printMarge;
frPrint.rc.bottom -= printMarge;
frPrint.rc.left += printMarge;
frPrint.rc.right -= printMarge;
const int headerSize = 256;
TCHAR headerL[headerSize] = TEXT("");
TCHAR headerM[headerSize] = TEXT("");
TCHAR headerR[headerSize] = TEXT("");
TCHAR footerL[headerSize] = TEXT("");
TCHAR footerM[headerSize] = TEXT("");
TCHAR footerR[headerSize] = TEXT("");
const TCHAR shortDateVar[] = TEXT("$(SHORT_DATE)");
const TCHAR longDateVar[] = TEXT("$(LONG_DATE)");
const TCHAR timeVar[] = TEXT("$(TIME)");
const int bufferSize = 64;
TCHAR shortDate[bufferSize];
TCHAR longDate[bufferSize];
TCHAR time[bufferSize];
::GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &st, NULL, shortDate, bufferSize);
::GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_LONGDATE, &st, NULL, longDate, bufferSize);
::GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, TIME_NOSECONDS, &st, NULL, time, bufferSize);
if (nppGUI._printSettings.isHeaderPresent())
frPrint.rc.top += headerLineHeight + headerLineHeight / 2;
generic_string headerLeftPart = nppGUI._printSettings._headerLeft;
if (headerLeftPart != TEXT(""))
replaceStr(headerLeftPart, shortDateVar, shortDate);
replaceStr(headerLeftPart, longDateVar, longDate);
replaceStr(headerLeftPart, timeVar, time);
expandNppEnvironmentStrs(headerLeftPart.c_str(), headerL, headerSize, _pdlg.hwndOwner);
generic_string headerMiddlePart = nppGUI._printSettings._headerMiddle;
if (headerMiddlePart != TEXT(""))
replaceStr(headerMiddlePart, shortDateVar, shortDate);
replaceStr(headerMiddlePart, longDateVar, longDate);
replaceStr(headerMiddlePart, timeVar, time);
expandNppEnvironmentStrs(headerMiddlePart.c_str(), headerM, headerSize, _pdlg.hwndOwner);
generic_string headerRightPart = nppGUI._printSettings._headerRight;
if (headerRightPart != TEXT(""))
replaceStr(headerRightPart, shortDateVar, shortDate);
replaceStr(headerRightPart, longDateVar, longDate);
replaceStr(headerRightPart, timeVar, time);
expandNppEnvironmentStrs(headerRightPart.c_str(), headerR, headerSize, _pdlg.hwndOwner);
if (nppGUI._printSettings.isFooterPresent())
frPrint.rc.bottom -= footerLineHeight + footerLineHeight / 2;
generic_string footerLeftPart = nppGUI._printSettings._footerLeft;
if (footerLeftPart != TEXT(""))
replaceStr(footerLeftPart, shortDateVar, shortDate);
replaceStr(footerLeftPart, longDateVar, longDate);
replaceStr(footerLeftPart, timeVar, time);
expandNppEnvironmentStrs(footerLeftPart.c_str(), footerL, headerSize, _pdlg.hwndOwner);
generic_string footerMiddlePart = nppGUI._printSettings._footerMiddle;
if (footerMiddlePart != TEXT(""))
replaceStr(footerMiddlePart, shortDateVar, shortDate);
replaceStr(footerMiddlePart, longDateVar, longDate);
replaceStr(footerMiddlePart, timeVar, time);
expandNppEnvironmentStrs(footerMiddlePart.c_str(), footerM, headerSize, _pdlg.hwndOwner);
generic_string footerRightPart = nppGUI._printSettings._footerRight;
if (footerRightPart != TEXT(""))
replaceStr(footerRightPart, shortDateVar, shortDate);
replaceStr(footerRightPart, longDateVar, longDate);
replaceStr(footerRightPart, timeVar, time);
expandNppEnvironmentStrs(footerRightPart.c_str(), footerR, headerSize, _pdlg.hwndOwner);
bool isShown = _pSEView->hasMarginShowed(ScintillaEditView::_SC_MARGE_LINENUMBER);
if (!nppGUI._printSettings._printLineNumber)
_pSEView->showMargin(ScintillaEditView::_SC_MARGE_LINENUMBER, false);
size_t pageNum = 1;
_pSEView->execute(SCI_SETPRINTCOLOURMODE, nppGUI._printSettings._printOption); // setting mode once is enough
while (lengthPrinted < lengthDoc)
bool printPage = (!(_pdlg.Flags & PD_PAGENUMS) ||
(pageNum >= _pdlg.nFromPage) && (pageNum <= _pdlg.nToPage));
if (!justDoIt)
printPage = false;
TCHAR pageString[32];
wsprintf(pageString, TEXT("%0d"), pageNum);
if (printPage)
if (nppGUI._printSettings.isHeaderPresent())
::SelectObject(_pdlg.hDC, fontHeader);
::SetTextColor(_pdlg.hDC, RGB(0, 0, 0));
::SetBkColor(_pdlg.hDC, RGB(255, 255, 255));
UINT oldTASettings = ::SetTextAlign(_pdlg.hDC, _isRTL ? TA_RTLREADING | TA_BOTTOM : TA_BOTTOM);
RECT rcw = {frPrint.rc.left, frPrint.rc.top - headerLineHeight - headerLineHeight / 2,
frPrint.rc.right, frPrint.rc.top - headerLineHeight / 2};
rcw.bottom = rcw.top + headerLineHeight;
SIZE size;
// Left part
if (headerL[0] != '\0')
generic_string headerLeft(headerL);
size_t pos = headerLeft.find(pageVar);
if (pos != headerLeft.npos)
headerLeft.replace(pos, lstrlen(pageVar), pageString);
::ExtTextOut(_pdlg.hDC, frPrint.rc.left + 5, frPrint.rc.top - headerLineHeight / 2,
ETO_OPAQUE, &rcw, headerLeft.c_str(), static_cast<int>(headerLeft.length()), NULL);
// Middle part
if (headerM[0] != '\0')
generic_string headerMiddle(headerM);
size_t pos = headerMiddle.find(pageVar);
if (pos != headerMiddle.npos)
headerMiddle.replace(pos, lstrlen(pageVar), pageString);
::GetTextExtentPoint32(_pdlg.hDC, headerMiddle.c_str(), static_cast<int>(headerMiddle.length()), &size);
::ExtTextOut(_pdlg.hDC, ((frPrint.rc.right - frPrint.rc.left)/2 + frPrint.rc.left) - (size.cx/2), frPrint.rc.top - headerLineHeight / 2,
ETO_CLIPPED, &rcw, headerMiddle.c_str(), static_cast<int>(headerMiddle.length()), NULL);
// Right part
if (headerR[0] != '\0')
generic_string headerRight(headerR);
size_t pos = headerRight.find(pageVar);
if (pos != headerRight.npos)
headerRight.replace(pos, lstrlen(pageVar), pageString);
::GetTextExtentPoint32(_pdlg.hDC, headerRight.c_str(), static_cast<int>(headerRight.length()), &size);
::ExtTextOut(_pdlg.hDC, frPrint.rc.right - size.cx, frPrint.rc.top - headerLineHeight / 2,
ETO_CLIPPED, &rcw, headerRight.c_str(), static_cast<int>(headerRight.length()), NULL);
::SetTextAlign(_pdlg.hDC, oldTASettings);
HPEN pen = ::CreatePen(0, 1, 0x00000000);
HPEN penOld = static_cast<HPEN>(::SelectObject(_pdlg.hDC, pen));
::MoveToEx(_pdlg.hDC, frPrint.rc.left, frPrint.rc.top - headerLineHeight / 4, NULL);
::LineTo(_pdlg.hDC, frPrint.rc.right, frPrint.rc.top - headerLineHeight / 4);
::SelectObject(_pdlg.hDC, penOld);
frPrint.chrg.cpMin = lengthPrinted;
frPrint.chrg.cpMax = lengthDoc;
lengthPrinted = long(_pSEView->execute(SCI_FORMATRANGE, printPage, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&frPrint)));
if (printPage)
if (nppGUI._printSettings.isFooterPresent())
::SelectObject(_pdlg.hDC, fontFooter);
::SetTextColor(_pdlg.hDC, RGB(0, 0, 0));
::SetBkColor(_pdlg.hDC, RGB(255, 255, 255));
UINT oldta = ::SetTextAlign(_pdlg.hDC, _isRTL ? TA_RTLREADING | TA_TOP : TA_TOP);
RECT rcw = {frPrint.rc.left, frPrint.rc.bottom + footerLineHeight / 2,
frPrint.rc.right, frPrint.rc.bottom + footerLineHeight + footerLineHeight / 2};
SIZE size;
// Left part
if (footerL[0] != '\0')
generic_string footerLeft(footerL);
size_t pos = footerLeft.find(pageVar);
if (pos != footerLeft.npos)
footerLeft.replace(pos, lstrlen(pageVar), pageString);
::ExtTextOut(_pdlg.hDC, frPrint.rc.left + 5, frPrint.rc.bottom + footerLineHeight / 2,
ETO_OPAQUE, &rcw, footerLeft.c_str(), static_cast<int>(footerLeft.length()), NULL);
// Middle part
if (footerM[0] != '\0')
generic_string footerMiddle(footerM);
size_t pos = footerMiddle.find(pageVar);
if (pos != footerMiddle.npos)
footerMiddle.replace(pos, lstrlen(pageVar), pageString);
::GetTextExtentPoint32(_pdlg.hDC, footerMiddle.c_str(), static_cast<int>(footerMiddle.length()), &size);
::ExtTextOut(_pdlg.hDC, ((frPrint.rc.right - frPrint.rc.left)/2 + frPrint.rc.left) - (size.cx/2), frPrint.rc.bottom + footerLineHeight / 2,
ETO_CLIPPED, &rcw, footerMiddle.c_str(), static_cast<int>(footerMiddle.length()), NULL);
// Right part
if (footerR[0] != '\0')
generic_string footerRight(footerR);
size_t pos = footerRight.find(pageVar);
if (pos != footerRight.npos)
footerRight.replace(pos, lstrlen(pageVar), pageString);
::GetTextExtentPoint32(_pdlg.hDC, footerRight.c_str(), static_cast<int>(footerRight.length()), &size);
::ExtTextOut(_pdlg.hDC, frPrint.rc.right - size.cx, frPrint.rc.bottom + footerLineHeight / 2,
ETO_CLIPPED, &rcw, footerRight.c_str(), static_cast<int>(footerRight.length()), NULL);
::SetTextAlign(_pdlg.hDC, oldta);
HPEN pen = ::CreatePen(0, 1, 0x00000000);
HPEN penOld = static_cast<HPEN>(::SelectObject(_pdlg.hDC, pen));
::MoveToEx(_pdlg.hDC, frPrint.rc.left, frPrint.rc.bottom + footerLineHeight / 4, NULL);
::LineTo(_pdlg.hDC, frPrint.rc.right, frPrint.rc.bottom + footerLineHeight / 4);
::SelectObject(_pdlg.hDC, penOld);
if ((_pdlg.Flags & PD_PAGENUMS) && (pageNum > _pdlg.nToPage))
if (!nppGUI._printSettings._printLineNumber)
_pSEView->showMargin(ScintillaEditView::_SC_MARGE_LINENUMBER, isShown);
_pSEView->execute(SCI_FORMATRANGE, FALSE, 0);
if (fontHeader)
if (fontFooter)
return (pageNum - 1);