// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file SparseState.h ** Hold lexer state that may change rarely. ** This is often per-line state such as whether a particular type of section has been entered. ** A state continues until it is changed. **/ // Copyright 2011 by Neil Hodgson // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. #ifndef SPARSESTATE_H #define SPARSESTATE_H #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE namespace Scintilla { #endif template class SparseState { struct State { int position; T value; State(int position_, T value_) : position(position_), value(value_) { } inline bool operator<(const State &other) const { return position < other.position; } inline bool operator==(const State &other) const { return (position == other.position) && (value == other.value); } }; int positionFirst; typedef std::vector stateVector; stateVector states; typename stateVector::iterator Find(int position) { State searchValue(position, T()); return std::lower_bound(states.begin(), states.end(), searchValue); } public: SparseState(int positionFirst_=-1) { positionFirst = positionFirst_; } void Set(int position, T value) { Delete(position); if ((states.size() == 0) || (value != states[states.size()-1].value)) { states.push_back(State(position, value)); } } T ValueAt(int position) { if (!states.size()) return T(); if (position < states[0].position) return T(); typename stateVector::iterator low = Find(position); if (low == states.end()) { return states[states.size()-1].value; } else { if (low->position > position) { --low; } return low->value; } } bool Delete(int position) { typename stateVector::iterator low = Find(position); if (low != states.end()) { states.erase(low, states.end()); return true; } return false; } size_t size() const { return states.size(); } // Returns true if Merge caused a significant change bool Merge(const SparseState &other, int ignoreAfter) { // Changes caused beyond ignoreAfter are not significant Delete(ignoreAfter+1); bool different = true; bool changed = false; typename stateVector::iterator low = Find(other.positionFirst); if (static_cast(states.end() - low) == other.states.size()) { // Same number in other as after positionFirst in this different = !std::equal(low, states.end(), other.states.begin()); } if (different) { if (low != states.end()) { states.erase(low, states.end()); changed = true; } typename stateVector::const_iterator startOther = other.states.begin(); if (!states.empty() && states.back().value == startOther->value) ++startOther; if (startOther != other.states.end()) { states.insert(states.end(), startOther, other.states.end()); changed = true; } } return changed; } }; #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE } #endif #endif