// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file CallTip.cxx ** Code for displaying call tips. **/ // Copyright 1998-2001 by Neil Hodgson // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. #include #include #include #include #include "Platform.h" #include "Scintilla.h" #include "StringCopy.h" #include "CallTip.h" #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE using namespace Scintilla; #endif CallTip::CallTip() { wCallTip = 0; inCallTipMode = false; posStartCallTip = 0; rectUp = PRectangle(0,0,0,0); rectDown = PRectangle(0,0,0,0); lineHeight = 1; offsetMain = 0; startHighlight = 0; endHighlight = 0; tabSize = 0; above = false; useStyleCallTip = false; // for backwards compatibility insetX = 5; widthArrow = 14; borderHeight = 2; // Extra line for border and an empty line at top and bottom. verticalOffset = 1; #ifdef __APPLE__ // proper apple colours for the default colourBG = ColourDesired(0xff, 0xff, 0xc6); colourUnSel = ColourDesired(0, 0, 0); #else colourBG = ColourDesired(0xff, 0xff, 0xff); colourUnSel = ColourDesired(0x80, 0x80, 0x80); #endif colourSel = ColourDesired(0, 0, 0x80); colourShade = ColourDesired(0, 0, 0); colourLight = ColourDesired(0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0); codePage = 0; clickPlace = 0; } CallTip::~CallTip() { font.Release(); wCallTip.Destroy(); } // Although this test includes 0, we should never see a \0 character. static bool IsArrowCharacter(char ch) { return (ch == 0) || (ch == '\001') || (ch == '\002'); } // We ignore tabs unless a tab width has been set. bool CallTip::IsTabCharacter(char ch) const { return (tabSize > 0) && (ch == '\t'); } int CallTip::NextTabPos(int x) const { if (tabSize > 0) { // paranoia... not called unless this is true x -= insetX; // position relative to text x = (x + tabSize) / tabSize; // tab "number" return tabSize*x + insetX; // position of next tab } else { return x + 1; // arbitrary } } // Draw a section of the call tip that does not include \n in one colour. // The text may include up to numEnds tabs or arrow characters. void CallTip::DrawChunk(Surface *surface, int &x, const char *s, int posStart, int posEnd, int ytext, PRectangle rcClient, bool highlight, bool draw) { s += posStart; int len = posEnd - posStart; // Divide the text into sections that are all text, or that are // single arrows or single tab characters (if tabSize > 0). int maxEnd = 0; const int numEnds = 10; int ends[numEnds + 2]; for (int i=0; i 0) ends[maxEnd++] = i; ends[maxEnd++] = i+1; } } ends[maxEnd++] = len; int startSeg = 0; int xEnd; for (int seg = 0; seg startSeg) { if (IsArrowCharacter(s[startSeg])) { xEnd = x + widthArrow; bool upArrow = s[startSeg] == '\001'; rcClient.left = static_cast(x); rcClient.right = static_cast(xEnd); if (draw) { const int halfWidth = widthArrow / 2 - 3; const int quarterWidth = halfWidth / 2; const int centreX = x + widthArrow / 2 - 1; const int centreY = static_cast(rcClient.top + rcClient.bottom) / 2; surface->FillRectangle(rcClient, colourBG); PRectangle rcClientInner(rcClient.left + 1, rcClient.top + 1, rcClient.right - 2, rcClient.bottom - 1); surface->FillRectangle(rcClientInner, colourUnSel); if (upArrow) { // Up arrow Point pts[] = { Point::FromInts(centreX - halfWidth, centreY + quarterWidth), Point::FromInts(centreX + halfWidth, centreY + quarterWidth), Point::FromInts(centreX, centreY - halfWidth + quarterWidth), }; surface->Polygon(pts, ELEMENTS(pts), colourBG, colourBG); } else { // Down arrow Point pts[] = { Point::FromInts(centreX - halfWidth, centreY - quarterWidth), Point::FromInts(centreX + halfWidth, centreY - quarterWidth), Point::FromInts(centreX, centreY + halfWidth - quarterWidth), }; surface->Polygon(pts, ELEMENTS(pts), colourBG, colourBG); } } offsetMain = xEnd; if (upArrow) { rectUp = rcClient; } else { rectDown = rcClient; } } else if (IsTabCharacter(s[startSeg])) { xEnd = NextTabPos(x); } else { xEnd = x + RoundXYPosition(surface->WidthText(font, s + startSeg, endSeg - startSeg)); if (draw) { rcClient.left = static_cast(x); rcClient.right = static_cast(xEnd); surface->DrawTextTransparent(rcClient, font, static_cast(ytext), s+startSeg, endSeg - startSeg, highlight ? colourSel : colourUnSel); } } x = xEnd; startSeg = endSeg; } } } int CallTip::PaintContents(Surface *surfaceWindow, bool draw) { PRectangle rcClientPos = wCallTip.GetClientPosition(); PRectangle rcClientSize(0.0f, 0.0f, rcClientPos.right - rcClientPos.left, rcClientPos.bottom - rcClientPos.top); PRectangle rcClient(1.0f, 1.0f, rcClientSize.right - 1, rcClientSize.bottom - 1); // To make a nice small call tip window, it is only sized to fit most normal characters without accents int ascent = RoundXYPosition(surfaceWindow->Ascent(font) - surfaceWindow->InternalLeading(font)); // For each line... // Draw the definition in three parts: before highlight, highlighted, after highlight int ytext = static_cast(rcClient.top) + ascent + 1; rcClient.bottom = ytext + surfaceWindow->Descent(font) + 1; const char *chunkVal = val.c_str(); bool moreChunks = true; int maxWidth = 0; while (moreChunks) { const char *chunkEnd = strchr(chunkVal, '\n'); if (chunkEnd == NULL) { chunkEnd = chunkVal + strlen(chunkVal); moreChunks = false; } int chunkOffset = static_cast(chunkVal - val.c_str()); int chunkLength = static_cast(chunkEnd - chunkVal); int chunkEndOffset = chunkOffset + chunkLength; int thisStartHighlight = Platform::Maximum(startHighlight, chunkOffset); thisStartHighlight = Platform::Minimum(thisStartHighlight, chunkEndOffset); thisStartHighlight -= chunkOffset; int thisEndHighlight = Platform::Maximum(endHighlight, chunkOffset); thisEndHighlight = Platform::Minimum(thisEndHighlight, chunkEndOffset); thisEndHighlight -= chunkOffset; rcClient.top = static_cast(ytext - ascent - 1); int x = insetX; // start each line at this inset DrawChunk(surfaceWindow, x, chunkVal, 0, thisStartHighlight, ytext, rcClient, false, draw); DrawChunk(surfaceWindow, x, chunkVal, thisStartHighlight, thisEndHighlight, ytext, rcClient, true, draw); DrawChunk(surfaceWindow, x, chunkVal, thisEndHighlight, chunkLength, ytext, rcClient, false, draw); chunkVal = chunkEnd + 1; ytext += lineHeight; rcClient.bottom += lineHeight; maxWidth = Platform::Maximum(maxWidth, x); } return maxWidth; } void CallTip::PaintCT(Surface *surfaceWindow) { if (val.empty()) return; PRectangle rcClientPos = wCallTip.GetClientPosition(); PRectangle rcClientSize(0.0f, 0.0f, rcClientPos.right - rcClientPos.left, rcClientPos.bottom - rcClientPos.top); PRectangle rcClient(1.0f, 1.0f, rcClientSize.right - 1, rcClientSize.bottom - 1); surfaceWindow->FillRectangle(rcClient, colourBG); offsetMain = insetX; // initial alignment assuming no arrows PaintContents(surfaceWindow, true); #ifndef __APPLE__ // OSX doesn't put borders on "help tags" // Draw a raised border around the edges of the window surfaceWindow->MoveTo(0, static_cast(rcClientSize.bottom) - 1); surfaceWindow->PenColour(colourShade); surfaceWindow->LineTo(static_cast(rcClientSize.right) - 1, static_cast(rcClientSize.bottom) - 1); surfaceWindow->LineTo(static_cast(rcClientSize.right) - 1, 0); surfaceWindow->PenColour(colourLight); surfaceWindow->LineTo(0, 0); surfaceWindow->LineTo(0, static_cast(rcClientSize.bottom) - 1); #endif } void CallTip::MouseClick(Point pt) { clickPlace = 0; if (rectUp.Contains(pt)) clickPlace = 1; if (rectDown.Contains(pt)) clickPlace = 2; } PRectangle CallTip::CallTipStart(int pos, Point pt, int textHeight, const char *defn, const char *faceName, int size, int codePage_, int characterSet, int technology, Window &wParent) { clickPlace = 0; val = defn; codePage = codePage_; Surface *surfaceMeasure = Surface::Allocate(technology); if (!surfaceMeasure) return PRectangle(); surfaceMeasure->Init(wParent.GetID()); surfaceMeasure->SetUnicodeMode(SC_CP_UTF8 == codePage); surfaceMeasure->SetDBCSMode(codePage); startHighlight = 0; endHighlight = 0; inCallTipMode = true; posStartCallTip = pos; XYPOSITION deviceHeight = static_cast(surfaceMeasure->DeviceHeightFont(size)); FontParameters fp(faceName, deviceHeight / SC_FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER, SC_WEIGHT_NORMAL, false, 0, technology, characterSet); font.Create(fp); // Look for multiple lines in the text // Only support \n here - simply means container must avoid \r! int numLines = 1; const char *newline; const char *look = val.c_str(); rectUp = PRectangle(0,0,0,0); rectDown = PRectangle(0,0,0,0); offsetMain = insetX; // changed to right edge of any arrows int width = PaintContents(surfaceMeasure, false) + insetX; while ((newline = strchr(look, '\n')) != NULL) { look = newline + 1; numLines++; } lineHeight = RoundXYPosition(surfaceMeasure->Height(font)); // The returned // rectangle is aligned to the right edge of the last arrow encountered in // the tip text, else to the tip text left edge. int height = lineHeight * numLines - static_cast(surfaceMeasure->InternalLeading(font)) + borderHeight * 2; delete surfaceMeasure; if (above) { return PRectangle(pt.x - offsetMain, pt.y - verticalOffset - height, pt.x + width - offsetMain, pt.y - verticalOffset); } else { return PRectangle(pt.x - offsetMain, pt.y + verticalOffset + textHeight, pt.x + width - offsetMain, pt.y + verticalOffset + textHeight + height); } } void CallTip::CallTipCancel() { inCallTipMode = false; if (wCallTip.Created()) { wCallTip.Destroy(); } } void CallTip::SetHighlight(int start, int end) { // Avoid flashing by checking something has really changed if ((start != startHighlight) || (end != endHighlight)) { startHighlight = start; endHighlight = (end > start) ? end : start; if (wCallTip.Created()) { wCallTip.InvalidateAll(); } } } // Set the tab size (sizes > 0 enable the use of tabs). This also enables the // use of the STYLE_CALLTIP. void CallTip::SetTabSize(int tabSz) { tabSize = tabSz; useStyleCallTip = true; } // Set the calltip position, below the text by default or if above is false // else above the text. void CallTip::SetPosition(bool aboveText) { above = aboveText; } // It might be better to have two access functions for this and to use // them for all settings of colours. void CallTip::SetForeBack(const ColourDesired &fore, const ColourDesired &back) { colourBG = back; colourUnSel = fore; }