Code folding block for Nim, VB and YAML includes tailing empty or whitespace only lines,
it's better for these lexers to use SC_IV_LOOKBOTH.
Add the ability to open folders in "folder as workspace" panel via command line argument "-openFoldersAsWorkspace".
notepad++ -openFoldersAsWorkspace c:\src\myProj01 c:\src\myProj02
The above command will launch notepad++ with folder as workspace panel by opening myProj01 and myProj02 in panel.
Close#4253, close#5100
Fix resizing dockable window (e.g. search result, function list, folder as workspace) and resizing the doc splitter (other view) one after the other issue.
Fix#5516, fix#680, fix#2097, close#5554
Using ^= for the readonly attribute will cause it to always change the bit. So if CLEARREADONLY is called on a file that isn't read only, the file will become read only.
Fix#5768, close#5774
The bug: Drag a short name tab to accross a longger name tab (w/o releasing mouse click) will make a swich - dragging the logger name instead of the shorter name one.
This regression is due to PR "Fix Tab non-responding after dragging bug".
This reverts commit c6e1a95098.
Fix#5072, fix#5450, open #4885
This is an workaround to deal with Microsoft issue in ReadDirectoryChanges notification
If command prompt is used to write file continuously (e.g. ping -t > ping.log)
Then ReadDirectoryChanges does not detect the change.
The workarround is about using Notepad++ notification while Notepad++ getting focus.
How to reproduce:
1. Select a few lines, trigger "Hide lines".
2. Select a few other lines, trigger "Hide lines" as well.
3. Unhide the topmost block by clicking on the appropriate marker.
4. The marker to restore the other block disappear. So the block is still hidden, it cannot be unhidden and there is no more visual indication there are hidden lines!
Fix#1112, Close#5665
File manager uses its Scintilla view (with its default document) to save and load file so these 2 op won't be done on foreground.
The fix decreases the reference of document to save correctly while the failure of saving (out of disk space).
This commit makes a performance issue: Re-loading the same text file over and over results in huge memory taken up
This reverts commit 198cf90c16.