[ENHANCEMENT] (Author: Dave Brotherstone) Enhance xml matching tags highlighting performance issue.
git-svn-id: svn://svn.tuxfamily.org/svnroot/notepadplus/repository/trunk@910 f5eea248-9336-0410-98b8-ebc06183d4e3
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// This file is part of Notepad++ project
// This file is part of Notepad++ project
// Copyright (C)2003 Don HO <don.h@free.fr>
// Copyright (C)2012 Don HO <don.h@free.fr>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@ -26,337 +26,16 @@
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Tags matching routing rewritten by Dave Brotherstone May 2012
// to remove need for regular expression searches (especially reverse regex searches)
// Reverse regex are slow using the new regex engine, and hence cost too much time.
#include "precompiledHeaders.h"
#include "precompiledHeaders.h"
#include "xmlMatchedTagsHighlighter.h"
#include "xmlMatchedTagsHighlighter.h"
#include "ScintillaEditView.h"
#include "ScintillaEditView.h"
int XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::getFirstTokenPosFrom(int targetStart, int targetEnd, const char *token, bool isRegex, pair<int, int> & foundPos)
//int start = currentPos;
//int end = (direction == DIR_LEFT)?0:_pEditView->getCurrentDocLen();
_pEditView->execute(SCI_SETTARGETSTART, targetStart);
_pEditView->execute(SCI_SETTARGETEND, targetEnd);
int posFind = _pEditView->execute(SCI_SEARCHINTARGET, (WPARAM)strlen(token), (LPARAM)token);
if (posFind != -1)
foundPos.first = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETTARGETSTART);
foundPos.second = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETTARGETEND);
return posFind;
TagCateg XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::getTagCategory(XmlMatchedTagsPos & tagsPos, int curPos)
pair<int, int> foundPos;
int docLen = _pEditView->getCurrentDocLen();
int gtPos = getFirstTokenPosFrom(curPos, 0, ">", false, foundPos);
int ltPos = getFirstTokenPosFrom(curPos, 0, "<", false, foundPos);
if (ltPos != -1)
if ((gtPos != -1) && (ltPos < gtPos))
return outOfTag;
// Now we are sure about that we are inside of tag
// We'll try to determinate the tag category :
// tagOpen : <Tag>, <Tag Attr="1" >
// tagClose : </Tag>
// tagSigle : <Tag/>, <Tag Attr="0" />
int charAfterLt = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCHARAT, ltPos+1);
if (!charAfterLt)
return unknownPb;
if ((char)charAfterLt == ' ')
return invalidTag;
// so now we are sure we have tag sign '<'
// We'll see on the right
int gtPosOnR = getFirstTokenPosFrom(curPos, docLen, ">", false, foundPos);
int ltPosOnR = getFirstTokenPosFrom(curPos, docLen, "<", false, foundPos);
if (gtPosOnR == -1)
return invalidTag;
if ((ltPosOnR != -1) && (ltPosOnR < gtPosOnR))
return invalidTag;
if ((char)charAfterLt == '/')
int char2AfterLt = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCHARAT, ltPos+1+1);
if (!char2AfterLt)
return unknownPb;
if ((char)char2AfterLt == ' ')
return invalidTag;
tagsPos.tagCloseStart = ltPos;
tagsPos.tagCloseEnd = gtPosOnR + 1;
return tagClose;
// it's sure for not being a tagClose
// So we determinate if it's tagSingle or tagOpen
tagsPos.tagOpenStart = ltPos;
tagsPos.tagOpenEnd = gtPosOnR + 1;
int charBeforeLt = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCHARAT, gtPosOnR-1);
if ((char)charBeforeLt == '/')
return inSingleTag;
return tagOpen;
return outOfTag;
bool XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::getMatchedTagPos(int searchStart, int searchEnd, const char *tag2find, const char *oppositeTag2find, vector<int> oppositeTagFound, XmlMatchedTagsPos & tagsPos)
const bool search2Left = false;
const bool search2Right = true;
bool direction = searchEnd > searchStart;
pair<int, int> foundPos;
int ltPosOnR = getFirstTokenPosFrom(searchStart, searchEnd, tag2find, true, foundPos);
if (ltPosOnR == -1)
return false;
// if the tag is found in non html zone, we skip it
const NppGUI & nppGUI = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getNppGUI();
int idStyle = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETSTYLEAT, ltPosOnR);
if (!nppGUI._enableHiliteNonHTMLZone && (idStyle >= SCE_HJ_START || idStyle == SCE_H_COMMENT))
int start = (direction == search2Left)?foundPos.first:foundPos.second;
int end = searchEnd;
return getMatchedTagPos(start, end, tag2find, oppositeTag2find, oppositeTagFound, tagsPos);
TagCateg tc = outOfTag;
if (direction == search2Left)
tc = getTagCategory(tagsPos, ltPosOnR+2);
if (tc != tagOpen && tc != inSingleTag)
return false;
if (tc == inSingleTag)
int start = foundPos.first;
int end = searchEnd;
return getMatchedTagPos(start, end, tag2find, oppositeTag2find, oppositeTagFound, tagsPos);
pair<int, int> oppositeTagPos;
int s = foundPos.first;
int e = tagsPos.tagOpenEnd;
if (direction == search2Left)
s = foundPos.second;
e = tagsPos.tagCloseStart;
int ltTag = getFirstTokenPosFrom(s, e, oppositeTag2find, true, oppositeTagPos);
if (ltTag == -1)
if (direction == search2Left)
return true;
tagsPos.tagCloseStart = foundPos.first;
tagsPos.tagCloseEnd = foundPos.second;
return true;
// RegExpr is "<tagName[ >]", found tag could be a openTag or singleTag
// so we should make sure if it's a singleTag
XmlMatchedTagsPos pos;
if (direction == search2Right && getTagCategory(pos,ltTag+1) == inSingleTag)
ltTag = getFirstTokenPosFrom(ltTag, e, oppositeTag2find, true, oppositeTagPos);
if (ltTag == -1)
tagsPos.tagCloseStart = foundPos.first;
tagsPos.tagCloseEnd = foundPos.second;
return true;
if (getTagCategory(pos,ltTag+1) == inSingleTag)
if (!isInList(ltTag, oppositeTagFound))
return getMatchedTagPos(foundPos.second, searchEnd, tag2find, oppositeTag2find, oppositeTagFound, tagsPos);
if (isInList(ltTag, oppositeTagFound))
ltTag = getFirstTokenPosFrom(ltTag, e, oppositeTag2find, true, oppositeTagPos);
if (ltTag == -1)
if (direction == search2Left)
return true;
tagsPos.tagCloseStart = foundPos.first;
tagsPos.tagCloseEnd = foundPos.second;
return true;
else if (!isInList(ltTag, oppositeTagFound))
if (direction == search2Left)
XmlMatchedTagsPos tmpTagsPos;
getTagCategory(tmpTagsPos, ltTag+1);
ltTag = tmpTagsPos.tagCloseEnd;
int start, end;
if (direction == search2Left)
start = foundPos.first;
end = searchEnd;
start = foundPos.second;
end = searchEnd;
return getMatchedTagPos(start, end, tag2find, oppositeTag2find, oppositeTagFound, tagsPos);
bool XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::getXmlMatchedTagsPos(XmlMatchedTagsPos & tagsPos)
// get word where caret is on
int caretPos = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCURRENTPOS);
// if the tag is found in non html zone (include comment zone), then quit
const NppGUI & nppGUI = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getNppGUI();
int idStyle = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETSTYLEAT, caretPos);
if (!nppGUI._enableHiliteNonHTMLZone && (idStyle >= SCE_HJ_START || idStyle == SCE_H_COMMENT))
return false;
int docLen = _pEditView->getCurrentDocLen();
// determinate the nature of current word : tagOpen, tagClose or outOfTag
TagCateg tagCateg = getTagCategory(tagsPos, caretPos);
static const char tagNameChars[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.-_:";
switch (tagCateg)
case tagOpen : // if tagOpen search right
_pEditView->execute(SCI_SETWORDCHARS, 0, (LPARAM)tagNameChars);
int startPos = _pEditView->execute(SCI_WORDSTARTPOSITION, tagsPos.tagOpenStart+1, true);
int endPos = _pEditView->execute(SCI_WORDENDPOSITION, tagsPos.tagOpenStart+1, true);
tagsPos.tagNameEnd = endPos;
char * tagName = new char[endPos-startPos+1];
_pEditView->getText(tagName, startPos, endPos);
basic_string<char> closeTag = "</";
closeTag += tagName;
closeTag += "[ ]*>";
basic_string<char> openTag = "<";
openTag += tagName;
openTag += "[ >]";
delete [] tagName;
vector<int> passedTagList;
return getMatchedTagPos(tagsPos.tagOpenEnd, docLen, closeTag.c_str(), openTag.c_str(), passedTagList, tagsPos);
case tagClose : // if tagClose search left
_pEditView->execute(SCI_SETWORDCHARS, 0, (LPARAM)tagNameChars);
int startPos = _pEditView->execute(SCI_WORDSTARTPOSITION, tagsPos.tagCloseStart+2, true);
int endPos = _pEditView->execute(SCI_WORDENDPOSITION, tagsPos.tagCloseStart+2, true);
char * tagName = new char[endPos-startPos+1];
_pEditView->getText(tagName, startPos, endPos);
basic_string<char> openTag = "<";
openTag += tagName;
openTag += "[ >]";
basic_string<char> closeTag = "</";
closeTag += tagName;
closeTag += "[ ]*>";
delete [] tagName;
vector<int> passedTagList;
bool isFound = getMatchedTagPos(tagsPos.tagCloseStart, 0, openTag.c_str(), closeTag.c_str(), passedTagList, tagsPos);
if (isFound)
tagsPos.tagNameEnd = tagsPos.tagOpenStart + 1 + (endPos - startPos);
return isFound;
case inSingleTag : // if in single tag
_pEditView->execute(SCI_SETWORDCHARS, 0, (LPARAM)tagNameChars);
int endPos = _pEditView->execute(SCI_WORDENDPOSITION, tagsPos.tagOpenStart+1, true);
tagsPos.tagNameEnd = endPos;
tagsPos.tagCloseStart = -1;
tagsPos.tagCloseEnd = -1;
return true;
default: // if outOfTag, just quit
return false;
//return false;
vector< pair<int, int> > XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::getAttributesPos(int start, int end)
vector< pair<int, int> > XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::getAttributesPos(int start, int end)
@ -450,6 +129,432 @@ vector< pair<int, int> > XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::getAttributesPos(int start,
bool XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::getXmlMatchedTagsPos(XmlMatchedTagsPos &xmlTags)
bool tagFound = false;
int caret = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCURRENTPOS);
FindResult openFound = findText("<", caret, 0, 0);
if (openFound.success && _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETSTYLEAT, openFound.start) != SCE_H_CDATA)
// Found the "<" before the caret, now check there isn't a > between that position and the caret.
FindResult closeFound = findText(">", openFound.start, caret, 0);
if (!closeFound.success)
// We're in a tag (either a start tag or an end tag)
int nextChar = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCHARAT, openFound.start + 1);
if ('/' == nextChar)
xmlTags.tagCloseStart = openFound.start;
int docLength = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETLENGTH);
FindResult endCloseTag = findText(">", caret, docLength, 0);
if (endCloseTag.success)
xmlTags.tagCloseEnd = endCloseTag.end;
// Now find the tagName
int position = openFound.start + 2;
// UTF-8 or ASCII tag name
std::string tagName;
nextChar = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCHARAT, position);
// Checking for " or ' is actually wrong here, but it means it works better with invalid XML
while(position < docLength && !isWhitespace(nextChar) && nextChar != '/' && nextChar != '>' && nextChar != '\"' && nextChar != '\'')
nextChar = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCHARAT, position);
// Now we know where the end of the tag is, and we know what the tag is called
if (tagName.size() != 0)
/* Now we need to find the open tag. The logic here is that we search for "<TAGNAME",
* then check the next character - if it's one of '>', ' ', '\"' then we know we've found
* a relevant tag.
* We then need to check if either
* a) this tag is a self-closed tag - e.g. <TAGNAME attrib="value" />
* or b) this tag has another closing tag after it and before our closing tag
* e.g. <TAGNAME attrib="value">some text</TAGNAME></TAGNA|ME>
* (cursor represented by |)
* If it's either of the above, then we continue searching, but only up to the
* the point of the last find. (So in the (b) example above, we'd only search backwards
* from the first "<TAGNAME...", as we know there's a close tag for the opened tag.
* NOTE:: NEED TO CHECK THE ROTTEN CASE: ***********************************************************
* <TAGNAME attrib="value"><TAGNAME>something</TAGNAME></TAGNAME></TAGNA|ME>
* Maybe count all closing tags between start point and start of our end tag.???
int currentEndPoint = xmlTags.tagCloseStart;
int openTagsRemaining = 1;
FindResult nextOpenTag;
nextOpenTag = findOpenTag(tagName, currentEndPoint, 0);
if (nextOpenTag.success)
// Open tag found
// Now we need to check how many close tags there are between the open tag we just found,
// and our close tag
// eg. (Cursor == | )
// <TAGNAME attrib="value"><TAGNAME>something</TAGNAME></TAGNAME></TAGNA|ME>
// ^^^^^^^^ we've found this guy
// ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ Now we need to cound these fellas
FindResult inbetweenCloseTag;
int currentStartPosition = nextOpenTag.end;
int closeTagsFound = 0;
bool forwardSearch = (currentStartPosition < currentEndPoint);
inbetweenCloseTag = findCloseTag(tagName, currentStartPosition, currentEndPoint);
if (inbetweenCloseTag.success)
if (forwardSearch)
currentStartPosition = inbetweenCloseTag.end;
currentStartPosition = inbetweenCloseTag.start - 1;
} while(inbetweenCloseTag.success);
// If we didn't find any close tags between the open and our close,
// and there's no open tags remaining to find
// then the open we found was the right one, and we can return it
if (0 == closeTagsFound && 0 == openTagsRemaining)
xmlTags.tagOpenStart = nextOpenTag.start;
xmlTags.tagOpenEnd = nextOpenTag.end + 1;
xmlTags.tagNameEnd = nextOpenTag.start + tagName.size() + 1; /* + 1 to account for '<' */
tagFound = true;
// Need to find the same number of opening tags, without closing tags etc.
openTagsRemaining += closeTagsFound;
currentEndPoint = nextOpenTag.start;
} while (!tagFound && openTagsRemaining > 0 && nextOpenTag.success);
int position = openFound.start + 1;
int docLength = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETLENGTH);
xmlTags.tagOpenStart = openFound.start;
std::string tagName;
nextChar = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCHARAT, position);
// Checking for " or ' is actually wrong here, but it means it works better with invalid XML
while(position < docLength && !isWhitespace(nextChar) && nextChar != '/' && nextChar != '>' && nextChar != '\"' && nextChar != '\'')
nextChar = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCHARAT, position);
// Now we know where the end of the tag is, and we know what the tag is called
if (tagName.size() != 0)
// First we need to check if this is a self-closing tag.
// If it is, then we can just return this tag to highlight itself.
xmlTags.tagNameEnd = openFound.start + tagName.size() + 1;
int closeAnglePosition = findCloseAngle(position);
if (-1 != closeAnglePosition)
xmlTags.tagOpenEnd = closeAnglePosition + 1;
// If it's a self closing tag
if (_pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCHARAT, closeAnglePosition - 1) == '/')
// Set it as found, and mark that there's no close tag
xmlTags.tagCloseEnd = -1;
xmlTags.tagCloseStart = -1;
tagFound = true;
// It's a normal open tag
/* Now we need to find the close tag. The logic here is that we search for "</TAGNAME",
* then check the next character - if it's '>' or whitespace followed by '>' then we've
* found a relevant tag.
* We then need to check if
* our tag has another opening tag after it and before the closing tag we've found
* e.g. <TA|GNAME><TAGNAME attrib="value">some text</TAGNAME></TAGNAME>
* (cursor represented by |)
int currentStartPosition = xmlTags.tagOpenEnd;
int closeTagsRemaining = 1;
FindResult nextCloseTag;
nextCloseTag = findCloseTag(tagName, currentStartPosition, docLength);
if (nextCloseTag.success)
// Open tag found
// Now we need to check how many close tags there are between the open tag we just found,
// and our close tag
// eg. (Cursor == | )
// <TAGNAM|E attrib="value"><TAGNAME>something</TAGNAME></TAGNAME></TAGNAME>
// ^^^^^^^^ we've found this guy
// ^^^^^^^^^ Now we need to find this fella
FindResult inbetweenOpenTag;
int currentEndPosition = nextCloseTag.start;
int openTagsFound = 0;
inbetweenOpenTag = findOpenTag(tagName, currentStartPosition, currentEndPosition);
if (inbetweenOpenTag.success)
currentStartPosition = inbetweenOpenTag.end;
} while(inbetweenOpenTag.success);
// If we didn't find any open tags between our open and the close,
// and there's no close tags remaining to find
// then the close we found was the right one, and we can return it
if (0 == openTagsFound && 0 == closeTagsRemaining)
xmlTags.tagCloseStart = nextCloseTag.start;
xmlTags.tagCloseEnd = nextCloseTag.end + 1;
tagFound = true;
// Need to find the same number of closing tags, without opening tags etc.
closeTagsRemaining += openTagsFound;
currentStartPosition = nextCloseTag.end;
} while (!tagFound && closeTagsRemaining > 0 && nextCloseTag.success);
} // end if (selfclosingtag)... else {
} // end if (-1 != closeAngle) {
} // end if tagName.size() != 0
} // end open tag test
return tagFound;
XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::FindResult XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::findOpenTag(const std::string& tagName, int start, int end)
std::string search("<");
FindResult openTagFound;
openTagFound.success = false;
FindResult result;
int nextChar = 0;
int styleAt;
int searchStart = start;
int searchEnd = end;
bool forwardSearch = (start < end);
result = findText(search.c_str(), searchStart, searchEnd, 0);
if (result.success)
nextChar = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCHARAT, result.end);
styleAt = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETSTYLEAT, result.start);
if (styleAt != SCE_H_CDATA)
// We've got an open tag for this tag name (i.e. nextChar was space or '>')
// Now we need to find the end of the start tag.
// Common case, the tag is an empty tag with no whitespace. e.g. <TAGNAME>
if (nextChar == '>')
openTagFound.end = result.end;
openTagFound.success = true;
else if (isWhitespace(nextChar))
int closeAnglePosition = findCloseAngle(result.end);
if (-1 != closeAnglePosition && '/' != _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCHARAT, closeAnglePosition - 1))
openTagFound.end = closeAnglePosition;
openTagFound.success = true;
if (forwardSearch)
searchStart = result.end + 1;
searchStart = result.start - 1;
// Loop while we've found a <TAGNAME, but it's either in a CDATA section,
// or it's got more none whitespace characters after it. e.g. <TAGNAME2
} while (result.success && !openTagFound.success);
openTagFound.start = result.start;
return openTagFound;
int XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::findCloseAngle(int startPosition)
// We'll search for the next '>', and check it's not in an attribute using the style
FindResult closeAngle;
int docLength = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETLENGTH);
bool isValidClose;
int returnPosition = -1;
isValidClose = false;
closeAngle = findText(">", startPosition, docLength);
if (closeAngle.success)
int style = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETSTYLEAT, closeAngle.start);
// As long as we're not in an attribute ( <TAGNAME attrib="val>ue"> is VALID XML. )
if (style != SCE_H_DOUBLESTRING && style != SCE_H_SINGLESTRING && style != SCE_H_TAGUNKNOWN)
returnPosition = closeAngle.start;
isValidClose = true;
startPosition = closeAngle.end;
} while (closeAngle.success && isValidClose == false);
return returnPosition;
XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::FindResult XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::findCloseTag(const std::string& tagName, int start, int end)
std::string search("</");
FindResult closeTagFound;
closeTagFound.success = false;
FindResult result;
int nextChar;
int styleAt;
int searchStart = start;
int searchEnd = end;
bool forwardSearch = (start < end);
bool validCloseTag;
validCloseTag = false;
result = findText(search.c_str(), searchStart, searchEnd, 0);
if (result.success)
nextChar = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCHARAT, result.end);
styleAt = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETSTYLEAT, result.start);
// Setup the parameters for the next search, if there is one.
if (forwardSearch)
searchStart = result.end + 1;
searchStart = result.start - 1;
if (styleAt != SCE_H_CDATA) // If what we found was in CDATA section, it's not a valid tag.
// Common case - '>' follows the tag name directly
if (nextChar == '>')
validCloseTag = true;
closeTagFound.start = result.start;
closeTagFound.end = result.end;
closeTagFound.success = true;
else if (isWhitespace(nextChar)) // Otherwise, if it's whitespace, then allow whitespace until a '>' - any other character is invalid.
int whitespacePoint = result.end;
nextChar = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCHARAT, whitespacePoint);
} while(isWhitespace(nextChar));
if (nextChar == '>')
validCloseTag = true;
closeTagFound.start = result.start;
closeTagFound.end = whitespacePoint;
closeTagFound.success = true;
} while (result.success && !validCloseTag);
return closeTagFound;
XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::FindResult XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::findText(const char *text, int start, int end, int flags)
FindResult returnValue;
Sci_TextToFind search;
search.lpstrText = const_cast<char *>(text); // Grrrrrr
search.chrg.cpMin = start;
search.chrg.cpMax = end;
int result = _pEditView->execute(SCI_FINDTEXT, flags, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&search));
if (-1 == result)
returnValue.success = false;
returnValue.success = true;
returnValue.start = search.chrgText.cpMin;
returnValue.end = search.chrgText.cpMax;
return returnValue;
void XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::tagMatch(bool doHiliteAttr)
void XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter::tagMatch(bool doHiliteAttr)
// Clean up all marks of previous action
// Clean up all marks of previous action
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ using namespace std;
class ScintillaEditView;
class ScintillaEditView;
enum TagCateg {tagOpen, tagClose, inSingleTag, outOfTag, invalidTag, unknownPb};
class XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter {
class XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter {
@ -41,6 +40,8 @@ public:
void tagMatch(bool doHiliteAttr);
void tagMatch(bool doHiliteAttr);
ScintillaEditView *_pEditView;
struct XmlMatchedTagsPos {
struct XmlMatchedTagsPos {
int tagOpenStart;
int tagOpenStart;
int tagNameEnd;
int tagNameEnd;
@ -50,19 +51,25 @@ private:
int tagCloseEnd;
int tagCloseEnd;
ScintillaEditView *_pEditView;
struct FindResult {
int start;
int getFirstTokenPosFrom(int targetStart, int targetEnd, const char *token, bool isRegex, std::pair<int, int> & foundPos);
int end;
TagCateg getTagCategory(XmlMatchedTagsPos & tagsPos, int curPos);
bool success;
bool getMatchedTagPos(int searchStart, int searchEnd, const char *tag2find, const char *oppositeTag2find, vector<int> oppositeTagFound, XmlMatchedTagsPos & tagsPos);
bool getXmlMatchedTagsPos(XmlMatchedTagsPos & tagsPos);
vector< pair<int, int> > getAttributesPos(int start, int end);
bool isInList(int element, vector<int> elementList) {
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < elementList.size() ; i++)
if (element == elementList[i])
return true;
return false;
bool getXmlMatchedTagsPos(XmlMatchedTagsPos & tagsPos);
// Allowed whitespace characters in XML
bool isWhitespace(int ch) { return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n'; }
FindResult findText(const char *text, int start, int end, int flags = 0);
FindResult findOpenTag(const std::string& tagName, int start, int end);
FindResult findCloseTag(const std::string& tagName, int start, int end);
int findCloseAngle(int startPosition);
vector< pair<int, int> > getAttributesPos(int start, int end);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user