0. Security enhancement: GPG Signature is provided for Notepad++ release.
1. Fix a long waiting issue about file auto change detection: enhance "File status Auto-Detection" to avoid switching editing tab off behaviour.
2. Fix encoding (language) detection regressions since v7.6.
3. Fix a regression: double-clicking on a "find all in current document" result for an unsaved doc prompts to save it.
4. Added close all unchanged tabs command.
5. Restore deleted "Launch in browser" customized shortcuts in EU-FOSSA bounty program by implementing them in more secure way: Add "View Current File in Browser" for Firefox, Chrome, IE & Edge.
6. Retain read only setting state in session.
7. Enhancement: after file reload user can still undo.
8. Fix a bug in command "Remove Consecutive Duplicate Lines" and make it work with old Macintosh EOL.
9. Fix UDL language marker bullet position, if UDL Name exceeds 14 characters, extend UDL names to max 64 characters.