## This project has been suspended. [Check out SpookySkeletons' repo](https://github.com/SpookySkeletons/lovr-playspace), a lot of things have been fixed, enhanced and added by them. # lovr-playspace Room boundary overlay for OpenXR, made with LÖVR. [![Preview](assets/preview.png)](assets/preview.png) ## Prerequisites - **LÖVR:** If your distro has no package for it, I recommend [their releases](https://github.com/bjornbytes/lovr/releases). - **git:** Recommended for pulling this project. ## How to run ``` git clone "https://git.lumen.sh/Fierelier/lovr-playspace" ./lovr-*.AppImage lovr-playspace ``` ## How to use Press `action_button` (`A` by default) to set points. Hold `action_button` to save the points. This will end edit mode. If you want to get back into edit mode, hold `action_button` while the program starts, or delete `config/points.json`. Other settings have to be configured with a text editor, see below. ## Configuration Settings are stored separated in the program directory, in `config/`. - `action_button.txt`: The button to use to do actions like placing points. [See the LÖVR documentation](https://lovr.org/docs/v0.16.0/DeviceButton). - `check_density.txt`: BROKEN! With how much line-density (in meters) to check if you're close to a wall. - `color_close_corners.json`: How to color the points you've set when they're close. Borders of edges of your defined shape, as well as your grid\_top/grid\_bottom. - `color_close_grid.json`: How to color the lines between the corners when close. - `color_close_corners.json`: How to color the points you've set when they're far. - `color_close_grid.json`: How to color the lines between the corners when far. - `fade_start.txt`: BROKEN! What is considered far away from a wall, in meters. Affects how colors fade. - `fade_start.txt`: BROKEN! What is considered close to a wall, in meters. Affects how colors fade. - `grid_bottom.txt`: Where to start drawing lines from, relative to your ground. - `grid_density.txt`: How much to divide your lines for drawing a grid into it, in meters. - `grid_top.txt`: Where to stop drawing lines, relative to your ground. - `points.json`: The points you've set. Does not exist by default.