Remove delay

This commit is contained in:
Fierelier 2022-05-30 07:00:43 +02:00
parent 77e862f280
commit a69d881f95
3 changed files with 3 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -12,14 +12,13 @@ Accepts data from stdin, and sends it to the specified server.
- **`user-password`**: Your user's password.
- **`channel`**: The channel you wanna stream to. Can be any name.
- **`channel-password`**: The channel's password.
- **`loop-delay`**: How long should the server wait between each acquisition of data, in seconds? Higher values will cause more delay, but will also store more data in the backlog (good for laggy watchers). Lower values for lower delay.
All arguments are optional but for `user`.
### Example
`ffmpeg -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -i desktop -vf scale=-2:480 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -maxrate 1M -f h264 - | broadcast,user=fier,user-password=123,delay=0.1,channel=exampleChannel,channel-password=456`
`ffmpeg -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -i desktop -vf scale=-2:480 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -maxrate 1M -f h264 - | broadcast,user=fier,user-password=123,channel=exampleChannel,channel-password=456`
Broadcast Windows desktop as `fier` to ``, supplying `123` as the user password with a server loop-delay of `0.1` seconds. `exampleChannel` is the channel, `456` is the channel's password. Pipe the output from ffmpeg.
Broadcast Windows desktop as `fier` to ``, supplying `123` as the user password. `exampleChannel` is the channel, `456` is the channel's password. Pipe the output from ffmpeg.
## Watch
` <ip:port> broadcast,[key=value],[key=value],...`
@ -54,6 +53,6 @@ If you would like to implement your own authentication, make your own module to
Establish a TCP connection with the server, and send the payload. If the server likes your payload, it will stream data to you, or accept more of your data.
## The payload
Send the length of the payload as a 4-byte (32-bit) big endian unsigned integer, a null byte (hex:`00`) and a UTF-8 encoded string identifying the client's intentions follows, for example: `watch,user=fier,channel=exampleChannel,channel-password=123` or `broadcast,user=fier,user-password=123,delay=0.1,channel=exampleChannel,channel-password=456`. The length includes only the string message, in bytes, it does not include the length itself, nor the null byte.
Send the length of the payload as a 4-byte (32-bit) big endian unsigned integer, a null byte (hex:`00`) and a UTF-8 encoded string identifying the client's intentions follows, for example: `watch,user=fier,channel=exampleChannel,channel-password=123` or `broadcast,user=fier,user-password=123,channel=exampleChannel,channel-password=456`. The length includes only the string message, in bytes, it does not include the length itself, nor the null byte.
If you are a watcher, you will now be blasted with data. If you are a broadcaster, you can now blast data.

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@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
global select
import select
global time
import time
global clientLoopIn
def clientLoopIn(self):
@ -16,11 +14,6 @@ def clientLoopIn(self):
if not "channel" in args: args["channel"] = "default"
if not "channel-password" in args: args["channel-password"] = ""
if not "delay" in args: args["delay"] = 0.1
if not "user-password" in args: args["user-password"] = ""
args["delay"] = float(args["delay"])
if args["delay"] < minDelay: args["delay"] = minDelay
if args["delay"] > maxDelay: args["delay"] = maxDelay
if not authenticate(args["user"],args["user-password"]): return
@ -41,9 +34,7 @@ def clientLoopIn(self):
packet = -1
packetMin = 0
bufferSize = 0
lastReceived = time.process_time()
while True:
args["delay"] = 0
data = self.connection.recv(connBuffer)
if data == b"": return
with clientDataLock:
@ -62,12 +53,6 @@ def clientLoopIn(self):
if getClientData(cID,"type") == "watch" and getClientData(cID,"args")["user"] == args["user"] and getClientData(cID,"args")["channel"] == args["channel"] and getClientData(cID,"args")["channel-password"] == args["channel-password"]:
now = time.process_time()
timeSpent = now - lastReceived
wait = args["delay"] - timeSpent
if wait > 0: time.sleep(wait)
lastReceived = now
if cmd[0] == "watch":
packet = -1
watchID = False

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@ -5,6 +5,3 @@ bufferCost = 1024 # Virtually add extra cost to each buffer piece to prevent cli
global maxBuffer
maxBuffer = 20*1024*1024 # The maximum buffer size of a stream in bytes. Old buffers are discarded, clients that depend on them get disconnected.
global minDelay
minDelay = 0.05 # The minimum delay (pause between each buffer iteration) the user can set in seconds. Lower values cause higher CPU usage.
global maxDelay
maxDelay = 1 # The maximum delay the user can set.