Update 'README.md'

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Fierelier 2022-05-29 13:01:01 +00:00
parent ac5c705052
commit 91f9455c7a
1 changed files with 17 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -2,17 +2,25 @@
A TCP multi-broadcast media streaming server/client. [Check out the past source](/Fierelier/fstream/src/commit/1890b316f543f579e9a63f3a2ddb689eeef9c855), for simpler implementation.
# Client
- `client.py watch fier exampleChannel 123 | ffplay -i - -fflags nobuffer -flags low_delay -infbuf -fast -framedrop` - Watch `fier`'s `exampleChannel` channel at ``, supplying `123` as a password, and pipe it into ffplay for playback.
- `ffmpeg -f dshow -audio_buffer_size 10 -i audio=virtual-audio-capturer -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -i desktop -vf scale=-1:480 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset fast -tune zerolatency -c:a aac -bufsize 2M -maxrate 1M -f mpegts - | client.py broadcast 8192 fier 123 exampleChannel 456` - Broadcast Windows desktop as `fier` to ``, supplying `123` as the user password. `8192` is the buffer size (in bytes), `exampleChannel` is the channel, `456` is the password. Pipe the output from ffmpeg.
You can send and receive any data using the right software. Here are some examples with ffmpeg:
- `fstream.py watch,user=fier,channel=exampleChannel,channel-password=123 | ffplay -i -` - Watch `fier`'s `exampleChannel` channel at ``, supplying `123` as a password, and pipe it into ffplay for playback.
- `ffmpeg -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -i desktop -vf scale=-2:480 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -maxrate 1M -f h264 - | fstream.py broadcast,user=fier,user-password=123,delay=0.1,channel=exampleChannel,channel-password=456` - Broadcast Windows desktop as `fier` to ``, supplying `123` as the user password with a server loop-delay of `0.1` seconds. `exampleChannel` is the channel, `456` is the channel's password. Pipe the output from ffmpeg.
# Server Protocol
The protocol is currently in an early stage, and is bound to change.
# Server
## Settings
Edit `modules/settings.py` for generic server/socket-related settings, and `modules/fstream/settings.py` for fstream related settings.
## Creating a user
Make a folder called `users` and make a file in it called `YourUsername.ini`, put this in it:
If you would like to implement your own authentication, make your own module to replace the `authenticate()` function - see `modules/fstream/authent.py` and `modules/fstream/main.mods`.
# The Protocol
## Establishing a connection
Establish a TCP connection with the server, and send the payload. If the server likes your payload, it will stream data to you, or accept more of your data.
## The payload
Send a UTF-8 string identifying the client's intentions. **Fill the request with trailing spaces until the request is 1024 bytes.**
- `watch,fier,exampleChannel,123` - Watch `fier`'s `exampleChannel` channel, supplying `123` as the channel's password. It will blast you with the media data.
- `broadcast,4096,fier,123` - Broadcast as `fier` into the `exampleChannel` channel, supplying `123` as the broadcast password and `456` as the channel password. `4096` is the buffer size. Just blast the data to the server after this, with the appropriate buffer size.
Send the length of the payload as a 4-byte (32-bit) big endian unsigned integer, a null byte (hex:`00`) and a UTF-8 encoded string identifying the client's intentions. For example: `watch,user=fier,channel=exampleChannel,channel-password=123` or `broadcast,user=fier,user-password=123,delay=0.1,channel=exampleChannel,channel-password=456`. If you are a watcher, you will be blasted with data. If you are a broadcaster, you can now blast data.