global email import email.utils global fileHandlers fileHandlers = {} global indexFiles indexFiles = [] global pathHandlers pathHandlers = {} global clientLoopIn def clientLoopIn(self): env = {} env["self"] = self env["requestTime"] = time.time() env["header"] = getHeaderFromConnection(self.connection) env["protocolHeaderList"],env["headerList"] = parseHeader(env["header"]) env["cmd"] = env["protocolHeaderList"][0] env["path"],env["args"] = parseHeaderPath(env["protocolHeaderList"][1]) env["pathFixed"] = fixUserPath(env["path"]) env["lPath"] = env["pathFixed"].replace("/",os.path.sep) env["fPath"] = p(indexPath,env["lPath"]) env["fileExt"] = "." if not env["pathFixed"] == "" and not os.path.isfile(env["fPath"]) and os.path.isdir(env["fPath"]) and env["pathFixed"][-1] != "/": env["pathFixed"] += "/" # This is dirty, since it possibly circumvents .fhtpyaccess (You can see if a folder exists or not by probing) if "/" + env["pathFixed"] != env["path"]: newPath = "/" + pathToURL(env["pathFixed"]) rawArgs = env["protocolHeaderList"][1].split("?",1) if len(rawArgs) > 1: newPath += "?" +rawArgs[-1] refer(self.connection,newPath) return if env["pathFixed"] in pathHandlers: pathHandlers[env["pathFixed"]](env) return if not os.path.isfile(env["fPath"]): if not os.path.isdir(env["fPath"]): handle404(env) return found = False for file in indexFiles: if os.path.isfile(p(env["fPath"],file)): found = file break if found == False: env["fileExt"] = ".d" env["lPath"] = p(env["lPath"],".") env["fPath"] = p(indexPath,env["lPath"]) else: env["lPath"] = p(env["lPath"],found) env["fPath"] = p(indexPath,env["lPath"]) lPathSplit = env["lPath"].rsplit(os.path.sep,1)[-1].rsplit(".",1) if len(lPathSplit) > 1: env["fileExt"] = lPathSplit[-1].lower() else: lPathSplit = env["lPath"].rsplit(os.path.sep,1)[-1].rsplit(".",1) if len(lPathSplit) > 1: env["fileExt"] = lPathSplit[-1].lower() env["fPathDir"] = pUp(env["fPath"]) env["requestTimeFormatted"] = email.utils.formatdate(int(env["requestTime"])).replace("-0000","GMT") env["handler"] = False if env["fileExt"] in fileHandlers: env["handler"] = fileHandlers[env["fileExt"]] elif ".*" in fileHandlers: env["handler"] = fileHandlers[".*"] if triggerEvent("handleHTTP",env) == False: return if env["handler"]: env["handler"](env) else: handle404(env) return