chatServer/modules/[text server]/[api]/communication/
2021-04-09 23:46:19 +02:00

29 lines
776 B

p("[text server]","[api]","commands"),
global textSend
def textSend(self,command,args):
if len(args) < 2:
return ["error","nonfatal","syntax","Correct syntax: " +command+ ",<user>,<command>,[argument 1],[argument 2],..."]
user = args[0].lower()
if len(user) < 1:
return ["error","nonfatal","name_too_short","Needs to be at least 1 character in length."]
me = ""
with self.lock:
me = self.user
if not me:
return ["error","nonfatal","not_logged_in"]
with threadsLock:
for threadId in threads:
thread = threads[threadId]
with thread.lock:
if thread.user != user: continue
thread.sendResponse(textListToCommand(["send",me] + args[1:]).encode("utf-8"),lock = False)
return ["ok"]