#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys stopOnException = True oldexcepthook = sys.excepthook def newexcepthook(type,value,traceback): oldexcepthook(type,value,traceback) if stopOnException: input("Press ENTER to quit.") sys.excepthook = newexcepthook import os p = os.path.join pUp = os.path.dirname s = False if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False) and hasattr(sys, '_MEIPASS'): s = os.path.realpath(sys.executable) else: s = os.path.realpath(__file__) sp = pUp(s) import socket import threading import queue import traceback # SETTINGS serverAddr = ("",1337) moduleDir = p(sp,"modules") heartbeatTime = 300 maxRequestSize = 4096 # SETTINGS END connections = {} connectionsLock = threading.Lock() connectionId = 0 handlers = {} handlers["modulesLoaded"] = [] handlers["preConnect"] = [] handlers["connect"] = [] handlers["preCommand"] = [] handlers["command"] = [] commands = {} def runCode(str, lcs = False, description = "loose-code"): if lcs == False: lcs = {} code = compile(str,description,"exec") exec(code,globals(),lcs) return lcs def runScript(sf, lcs = False): if lcs == False: lcs = {} with open(sf) as script: runCode(script.read(),lcs,sf) return lcs def callHandler(handlerName,env = {},*args,**kwargs): if handlerName in handlers: for handlerFunc in handlers[handlerName]: if handlerFunc(env,*args,**kwargs): return True return False def getResponse(connection): data = b'' data = connection.recv(4) if not data: return False nul = connection.recv(1) if not nul: return False if nul != b"\x00": return False requestLength = int.from_bytes(data,"big") if requestLength > maxRequestSize: return False return connection.recv(requestLength) def sendResponse(connection,data): connection.sendall(len(data).to_bytes(4,"big") + b"\x00" + data) def commandlineToList(cmd): args = [] cArg = "" escape = False quoted = False for letter in cmd: if escape == True: cArg += letter escape = False continue if letter == "\\": escape = True continue if letter == ",": if cArg == "": continue args.append(cArg) cArg = "" continue cArg += letter args.append(cArg) return args def listToCommandline(lst): cmd = "" for arg in lst: arg = arg.replace("\\","\\\\") arg = arg.replace(",","\\,") cmd += arg + "," return cmd[:-1] def runCommand(self,command,*args): callHandler("preCommand",locals()) if not command in commands: rtn = ["error","nonfatal","invalid_command","Command does not exist"] callHandler("command",locals()) return rtn rtn = commands[command](self,command,*args) if not rtn: rtn = ["OK"] callHandler("command",locals()) return rtn class connectionThreadIn(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,cid,connection,address): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.cid = cid self.connection = connection self.address = address def routine(self): while True: data = getResponse(self.connection) if data == False: return commandList = commandlineToList(data.decode("utf-8")) rtn = runCommand(self,*commandList) with connectionsLock: connections[self.cid]["threadOut"].queue.put(listToCommandline(rtn)) def run(self): try: self.routine() except: print(traceback.format_exc()) try: self.connection.close() except: pass with connectionsLock: try: connections[self.cid]["threadOut"].queue.put(False) except: pass try: del connections[self.cid] except: pass class connectionThreadOut(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,cid,connection,address): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.cid = cid self.connection = connection self.address = address self.queue = queue.Queue() def routine(self): while True: data = self.queue.get(timeout=heartbeatTime) if data == False: return sendResponse(self.connection,data.encode("utf-8")) def run(self): try: self.routine() except: print(traceback.format_exc()) try: self.connection.close() except: pass try: with connectionsLock: del connections[self.cid] except: pass def main(): if os.path.isfile("modules.txt"): print("Loading modules...") with open("modules.txt","r") as modulesFile: for line in modulesFile: line = line.split("#",1)[0].strip(" \t\r\n") if line == "": continue print("> " +line+ " ...") moduleFile = p(moduleDir,line) runScript(moduleFile,locals()) print("OK.\n") callHandler("modulesLoaded",locals()) global connectionId global serverSocket serverSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) serverSocket.bind(serverAddr) serverSocket.listen(65535) print("Serving at " +str(serverAddr[0])+ ":" +str(serverAddr[1])+ ".") while True: connection = False try: connection,address = serverSocket.accept() connection.settimeout(heartbeatTime) if callHandler("preConnect",locals()): connection.close() continue with connectionsLock: connectionId += 1 threadIn = connectionThreadIn(str(connectionId),connection,address) threadOut = connectionThreadOut(str(connectionId),connection,address) connections[str(connectionId)] = { "connection": connection, "address": address, "threadIn": threadIn, "threadOut": threadOut } threadIn.start() threadOut.start() callHandler("connect",locals()) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) try: connection.close() except: pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()